Okay this controversy about Kathy Griffin and that photo, this was purely staged! Why? Because trump is having a serious problem which threatens to undermine the plans of the establishment to rob Americans of Healthcare and who knows what else they got planned. And what is that problem you would ask? Nobody likes trump.People don't mind standing up to trump and his agenda which is really their agenda. And who are they? The people who put trump in power. So notwithstanding their race card play by calling the Affordable Healthcare Act 'Obamacare' which I repeat is not a bad name but that's not what the Act is called, the old wave the flag. mom and apple pie, and singing I'm proud to be an American which a lot of you out there seem to go for every time. How'd they do that? By disrespecting the President, the highest office in the land, the symbol of America! This bullshit was staged!!! They want to take away your Healthcare but they're afraid to move because so many don't like trump and we all know Hillary Clinton won this past election.
But any fool can see that Kathy Griffin was pulled in to stage this thing to get people to feeling sorry for trump and not be so 'un American' when they move ahead to take away your Healthcare. How do I know it was staged? Coz' Kathy Griffin is not in jail!!! Everyone in America, even complete idiots know you CANNOT MAKE ANY KIND OF A VEILED OR LITERAL THREAT AGAINST THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES! YOU CAN'T EVEN JOKE ABOUT SUCH A THING!!! HER CELEBRITY WOULD NOT SAVE HER AGAINST SUCH A SERIOUS CHARGE, unless it had been President Obama, for they never did arrest anyone for shooting into the white house while he was President! But the fact that she isn't in jail should let the world know that this was staged and see how quickly she apologized trying to minimize any long term damage to her career. Don't shed too many tears for her for she was paid extremely well to be a part of this I'm sure. The repugnicans are gonna' use all the political clout they can get outta this for right now they are the most hated party in this country but instead of yield to the wil of the people they'll try anything except doing the right thing and leaving our Healthcare alone. That's not what their rich masters want and so this lame sorry assed trick and they're probably dreaming up their next stunt if this one doesn't work the way they want it to. So don't be fooled folks, this is some bullshit for if they weren't in on this little stunt, Kathy Griffin would be in jail. They may have let her out soon after, but the secret service would have definitely arrested her. The enemy will do anything to do what they want to rather than the right thing, and your loyalty needs to be to God, not to America, apple pie, wave the flag and cry over 'old glory', baseball and other fantasies concocted about living here. God bless the USA is being sung in the background. That's what the repugnicans want you to be thinking instead of thinking about how they're wanting to take away your healthcare. Now Kathy Griffin is rich; Healthcare isn't one of her problem
They're still trying to sell us on this staged bullshit from kathy griffith. Now she's getting on tv with tears trying to sell us on this staged bullshit. How she made a big mistake, she's getting death threats, and she doesn't know if 'her career will survive the scandal!'(her sobbing and tears) Remember folks, she works in hollywood, she's good at this sort of thing. What scandal?!!? She was paid very well for this role and if she wasn't she should have demanded more money! Sorry sistah, we love you, but we're not buying it!
Kathy Griffin totally offended everyone, but here’s one thing she did right
Published: May 31, 2017 2:27 p.m. ET
The comedienne drew widespread condemnation for her ‘decapitated’ Trump photo
Getty Images
In a video posted on Twitter and
Facebook, Kathy Griffin said, ‘I beg for your forgiveness. I went too
far. I made a mistake and I was wrong.’
It was
gruesome. And it wasn’t funny. So how do you recover from something
like that? And can you? Amid the furor surrounding Kathy Griffin, crisis
management experts say it’s possible.
Comedienne Kathy Griffin
has given it her best shot, admitting that she badly misjudged a stunt
in which she posed with a fake bloody mask designed to look like the
head of President Donald Trump. The image was shot by the celebrity
photographer Tyler Shields. But even Griffin’s close friend and CNN New
Year’s Eve co-host Anderson Cooper tweeted: “For the record, I am
appalled by the photo shoot Kathy Griffin took part in. It is clearly
disgusting and completely inappropriate.” But so far only one venue —
Route 66 Casino Hotel in Albuquerque, N.M. — has canceled one of her
upcoming shows. “Many advertisers will want nothing to do with her,”
says Ronn Torossian, chief executive of 5WPR.
As the backlash was gathering momentum on Tuesday, Griffin posted an apology on Twitter
TWTR, -0.60%
and Facebook
FB, -0.60%
that read, “I am sorry. I went too far. I was wrong,” with a video, in which she says,
“I went way too far. The image is too disturbing. I understand how it
offends people. It wasn’t funny. I get it. I’ve made a lot of mistakes
in my career. I will continue. I ask your forgiveness. I’m taking down
the image. I’m going to ask the photographer to take down the image. I
beg for your forgiveness. I went too far. I made a mistake and I was
wrong.” Of course, the image will be online for as long as the internet
exists and, for some, no apology will be enough. But did Griffin do
anything right?