Monday, May 8, 2017

Nationwide Boycott; June 1st 2017 of ALL American businesses who seem to be the main supporters of the repugnican party; June 1st;We need to show the repugnicans we've had enough of them!

Let us plan to do a boycott of all American businesses, since they seem to be the main support of these republican devils. The ignorant fools who believe all of their lies don't count. We need to send a clear message to Washington that we don't like the direction they're going, and taking away our Healthcare after many of us suffered for so many years trying to pay the escalating costs of our healthcare bills and the keep bread on the table as well as utilities water and other bills we have, that there will be consequences to this!

June 1st, 2017, let us start a national boycott of all businesses in this country. Just one day will be a good start, but one day will hurt the supporters of the republican party a lot. If we don't spend a dime June 1st nowhere in this country, billions will be lost! BILLIONS! Their bottom line will dip dramatically and quickly! So stock up on all you need before June 1st and lets send a clear message to Washington and trump; one they cannot ignore. We need others to take the lead on this and organize it, coz you know the repugnican scuzz and their supporters are gonna' try very hard to break our Solidarity!  But God is with us so do not be afraid!

June 1st, National Boycott Day! Ends June 3rd. We would appreciate all Americans assistance in this move for putting trump in the white house has done us no good! We're gonna' have to take action ourselves!

June 1st, 2017, National Boycott Day response to the repugnicans repealing the Affordable Healthcare Act(what the racist dogs like to call Obamacare catering to the ignorant who are still mad that a Black man got elected President)! It's not 'Obamacare' no offense to our former great President, but the law was designed to help ALL Americans and it's proper name is the Affordable Healthcare Act! The repugnican scumbags and their supporters want you to forget that!!!! We need assistance from everyone, white, black, asian, hispanic, rich poor whatever! Join us as we attempt to get our government back in line with the will of the people!

God curse the repugnican scum and bless us in our efforts to make life better in this country!!! 

One final message to the repugnican scum; why don't you leave this country since it's obvious how much you hate it's citizens. You've taken enough kickback money from corporations and stolen enough of our tax dollars to afford to go anywhere in the world. If they leave we warn other countries not to let them get involved in the politics of their land coz' they're scum! Make them pay heavy to stay in your land! 

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