Lin Yao Li video of being stripped publicly for adultery, excellent video and great anti-chinese propeganda staged by mi6 and probably cia
Now anyone remember this chinese video supposedly of an angry wife and her friends publicly stripping this so-called poor woman for sleeping with her husband. Anybody notice the good angles and shots got from this video? Excellent lighting, like it was produced in hollywood or something? That's because it probably was! No surveillance camera no nearby passerby with a cellphone camera could take such good shots like this. This whole incident was staged and not by the Chinese. They had nothing to gain by this. This didn't happen per chance either, for the video is too good. This was an mi6 operation or cia or both. Why? Well, this is something they're known for and anti chinese propeganda. They're trying to show the Chinese that their government doesn't look out for their people like the the great whitey would even though they got millions of chinese hooked on opium just like the cia tried to get millions of Black hooked on first heroin then crack here in America and trying to get women's groups around the world up in arms (which they succeded in doing that; women, white women in particular, are so desirous for power they'll jump all over something like this, though I notice none of the women's groups in America jumped on the incident in texas in America where the kkkops grabbed a young black woman and spread her legs wide right there on the highway; that's why the king is shutting down these women's groups here, for they're nothing but organizations created by the white establishment to try an overthrow governments and societal systems who stand up to their tyranny) to create this anti-china sentiment. You see mi6 and cia play complex psychological games they hope will yield fruit, ten twenty years down the line. They' ve had so much practice playing these games in Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and the African American community in America, they've gotten quite good at it and they work! This video they hope will be the beginning of a grassroots revolt within China itself against their government, and you see the whiteys always go for the woman. The woman always proves to be the weak link within most societies for they always have complaints about how things are. Everytime they go for the woman, and they're hoping this video would start conversations between Chinese women about the inadequacies of their government. Now when the whiteys were in China, they used Chinese women as their own personal whores but of course they want you to forget that. They're 'sorry' for that now coz' they want you to turn against your own men coz 'the white man is sooooo much better!' Here's part of this bullshit:
Video: Chinese woman Lin Yao Li stripped and beaten by 4 women after sleeping with another woman’s husband
Because it’s always a woman’s fault why men cheat….
Chinese woman Lin Yao Li has incurred the wrath of fellow women after discovering she had slept with a fellow woman’s husband. Subjected to a vicious beating on the street the woman who had been stripped bare was barely able to get passing police officer’s to raise their eyebrows as a culture ‘of the concubine‘ has made such ‘arguments of the heart’ legitimate in the homeland.
The woman’s beating reports the UK’s dailymail
is the latest in a number of similar incidents in which it seems there
is placid acceptance in Chinese society of such humiliation, as long as
the victim is seen as deserving in having caused a man to cheat on his
At the time of the 38 year old woman’s attack, she had been ambushed by four women as she walked home from the shops in the city of Puyang in eastern China’s Henan Province.
Don't you believe it! This whole incident was staged!Love the video. You need to post the viddeo again.
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