Sunday, June 4, 2017

The u.s. navy and marines; two of the most racist branches of the military services

You know my time in the military really enlightened me to certain truths about life in this country. And the major one is that there are people and organizations who still support the ideology of racism. You see  I was in the navy and got accused of a crime these bastards knew I  didn't committ but they took me through their kangaroo  court and falsely convicted me anyway. My attempts to clear my name has gone unsuccessful as they pull ranks trying to protect the lying and evil ways of their own! This event has had a long reaching negative impact on my life but it has educated me about the truth about american truth, justice, and falsely convicting innocent people of crimes they didn't committ because of racism is the american way!

agent vaughn bradley of the so called naval investigative service, you are a fake assed uncle tom niggah who the kkk establishment of the navy love coz' you're more than willing to perform any racist desire of these prejudiced honkies against your own people! It is my hope that you are dead or dying but my God curse you or did you meet with the same fate as many of the other Black people you probably set up to get falsely imprisoned at the behest of the kkk navy brass. I hope your life has been miserable if you're still alive for honestly I hope by now you're in hell where you belong boy. Did you enjoy the cornbread massah left on the stove for doing a good job boy? I pray you choked on it!
major laura scudder, at least in 1986 your  bitch ass was a major, if you're not dead, which I hope you are, you are a lying worthless lesbo whore. You should have been under investigation as homosexuality was illegal back then in the military. You know it was a lie being told on me, but you had nothing to gain by telling the truth. I hope God cursed you and made your worhless life miserable as can be! You don't need to be practicing law you need to be in jail where you sent who knows how many other innocents other than me. You don't care about justice, you only care about tacking as many victims on your lesbo bed post as you can. Anybody who has hired this woman you need to be rid of her for she is unscrupulous, apathetic, unprincipled, underhanded liar to the extreme and if you have her on board and proud of her work it says a lot about you and your business. God curse this woman and let not any good touch her nor anyone around her as she is evil and worthless.  You just think you can go around ruining peoples lives and nothing will be done about it. But the racist system in the navy and marines made it possible for people like you to thrive. Thankfully there is a God though.

This is why I hope God cursed all who were involved in this massive injustice! Convicting an innocent man all because of his color and you feel he's too weak to do anything about it. Welll my God is stronger than you'll ever be and He will see to it that I finally get what you evil vermin have deprived me of for so long; JUSTICE! God curse all of you except the judge. To the judge, I know you did your best, and the only reason they appointed you to be the judge was so you could  blackwash their big white lie! They wanted a niggah who'd make their racism seem legal and you didn't give that to them. God bless you and though I was railroaded into jail still, I know it wasn't your fault! God be with you. The rest of you God curse you down to the last generation of your families From this day forward I pray nothing good comes to you in your worthless sinful lives.  I pray your tears fill your pillows every night even as mine have for the past thirty years thanks to you!!!!  May your master in hell betray you and come and get you and drag you back to where he is at for none of you are good enough to walk the earth anymore. You're evil and liars and do the military service a grievous dishonor compared to those who join with the legitimate intent of 'doing their duty to their country' even as I did! The military needs an overhaul and most importantly they need to get rid of you worthless racist assed honkies and you uncle tom assed niggahs in the navy and the marines and there may be others in the other braches for I haven't heard too many good things about the Coast Guard either, but God is watching and will punish you good. Laugh, scoff, keep on thinking there is no authority greater than yours. I hope you do, coz' I will enjoy watching your destruction you worthless vermin!

a former sailor falsely tried convicted and thrown in jail by a racist naval kangaroo court! May God curse them all!I tried to serve but racism  and racists wouldn't let me!!!

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