Thursday, December 18, 2014

The Interview vs. Bill Cosby; Dichotomy of the Hypocrisy of the white establishment in America

You know I find it ironic this whole situation. Here it is the movie The Interview a movie about killing the leader of North Korea the computer hacking attacks has revealed to us things we already knew but we don't have to guess anymore. But eitherway it's being SAID that North Korea is behind these cyber attacks. I don't know if that's true or not for my experience with the American media is they're always serving the purpose of the establishment and they may want to get something started with N. Korea again or have some other nefarious plan afoot so I won't say N. Korea is responsible for these cyber 'terror' attacks. Eitherway now the internet is abuzz with all this yang about 'freedom of speech' and the 'terrorists' have won and all that shit! This bullshit about 'freedom of expression' is in danger. Very famous hollywood stars chimed in about this and were angry that movie houses wouldn't air the movie. Rob Lowe, Jerry Seinfeld, Steve Carell, Ben Stiller, and other movie stars made their opinion known on this subject and it was this pseudo patriotic bullshit. It's funny not a one of them have spoken up about the public lynching of Bill Cosby. No mention of his plight period and these charges they know are bullshit. Why is Bill Cosby being oppressed? Because of his freedom of expression!

The real reason behind this attack on Bill Cosby is because he has set up a business arrangement with some of the richest black people in America to create a huge film distribution conglomerate that would encompass tv, feature films, and dvd sales. It would put the African American community in a position to finally CONTROL how we are viewed in film and depicted worldwide. Evidently some fascist white AMERICANS don't like this at all! It's probably the same sonsofbitches who murdered his son when he was trying to purchase CBS! Yes I know the lies that the media told about some russian gangsta' boy being arrested for the crime but the real reason Ennis Cosby is no longer with us is because his father was trying to exercise his CREATIVE and FISCAL freedom to buy something he wanted and the white establishment decided to take drastic action and murder his son! Now they're trying to ruin his reputation and keep him tied up in expensive litigation for years to come. God is going to reveal the puppeteers pulling the strings and they're in for a surprise. But I find it truly amusing that whites always want to talk about freedom of expression and America stands for freedom for ALL Americans but what they truly mean it seems to me is freedom of expression for white men and white men ALONE! Not a single one of these purveyors of freedom have spoken up for Bill Cosby but when THEIR freedom is restricted they're ready to fight! Well you're in for a treat for this is only the beginning of 'restrictions' being put on 'your' freedoms.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

beverly johnson; Hollywood Escort and Liar! Bill Cosby Adds Another To his List of Conspirators! Boycott vanity fair magazine for printing her lies in their expose this month and those who know send us her list of clients she services with her pleasures!

I have something to say to beverly johnson; you're a liar! I'd like to know who's paying you to come forward with these pack of lies you're trying to pawn off as the truth! What did they promise you; more work in Hollywood or did they pay you cash! Your story leaks from every side up stinks like shit! And your claim that because you met Camille Cosby that you didn't want to come forward! I'm sure you've met many of the wives of the men you've slept with in your 'uncercover' career as an escort! It's well known here in Hollywood that your 'services' are available to the highest bidder that being mostly rich white fucks who can spend $10, 000 or more on a night of pleasure! So who's paying you to do this snow job on the American public? How much are they paying you to sully the good name of Dr. Cosby? What you mad you didn't get a tip after your 'date' with him? Or are you in trouble and someone promised to bail you out? I'm not gonna' bother working on your conscience for most whores have no conscience! All they care about is getting paid and it didn't bother you one bit to get on tv and promote these lies like that other loser angie dickinson whose own memoir contradicted her lies did! Both of you your careers washed up long ago and the only way to stay relevant is to bash another black man! What a day it will be when you pay for being a party to this massive smear job for your undercover 'career' will be exposed and everyone will know what we all know here in Hollywood; a check with at least five figures buys you a date with beverly johnson!


God's curse is upon you woman! Your only way out is to repent and beg our Lord's forgiveness and to go to Bill Cosby and ask his forgiveness and make a public confession and tell who set you up to lie on Mr. Cosby! Otherwise God's curse will bear down upon you heavy for false testimony against your neighbor!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Bill Cosby and the United States navy; The Most Racist Branch of America's Military Service, the navy, Revokes Bill Cosby's Honor! Talk About Indian Givers!

You know it doesn't surprise me that in this latest episode of bashing Dr. Bill Cosby that the navy of the United States Military Service should weigh in with their ten cents. Already noted as the most racist of our military services with the marines coming in a close second it is just astounding how quickly they revoke an honor they probably didn't want to give him anyway claiming that it's not in line with their 'core' values! Core values?!? What core values?!? Values are generally a considered to be a Good thing, but I guess the navy doesn't know what the meaning of good is! Here are their 'core' values; racism; they practice racism like nobody's business; white supremacy; they believe that the white man is god of this earth and on this earth; injustice; their mission is to railroad every black they can into lengthy jail sentences; kangaroo courts; the idea that someone could actually get justice in their tricked out kangaroo courts is anathema to the navy ass I mean brass; oppression; oppressing black people within the ranks on the boats on the ships on the bases everywhere they can is their #1 mission in this life;lying; the ranks of the navy with their redneck establishment is dedicated to lying lying and lying especially on black people anytime they can everywhere they can and just because they can! They are the most despicable of our military services and were in not for the love of God, literally, this country would seriously be in trouble for the brass in this worthless branch of our services have declared that the true enemy of America is the Black Man and miscegenation should be fought all the way down to hell where they will eventually end up! The upper brass have too much time on their hands for they spend all of their time trying to find ways to oppress the African Americans within their ranks that they couldn't be defending us adequately! I have nothing but contempt for this service and truthfully there needs to be a Stalin-isque purge of this service for these old fat RATS have been there too long and need to go! Bill Cosby, it is no honor to receive an award from an organization THAT HAS NO HONOR! You were done a favor for until the navy is PURGED of its inefficient worthless racist redneck p.o.s. RATS, any honor they bestow has the taint of corruption and the stink that would make a skunk run for cover!

The curse of God be upon you US navy. You had no right to judge Bill Cosby even as you deliver injustice and try an justify it! You're responsible for the prosecution and conviction of an innocent man and for that the curse of God be upon all those members responsible and upon the whole organization for it until you make amends! My Lord will direct you on how but all of you innocent and guilty alike will suffer until you properly recompense that person and give an open PUBLIC apology for your sinful actions against that person and Bill Cosby who served with honor and distinction and deserved his award that you had no right to take away!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Prayer Warriors

We are christian warriors petitionining the LORD through prayer for the demise of the satanic systems devised by the evil ideals of white supremacy! We want this institution brought down never to rise again even as the philistine empire God laid it low such that there is no record in history that they even existed save the Bible! After the murders of 11 black people with all them resulting in no charges filed against police officers who committed the murders and many of them still have their jobs, we realize that the system is our enemy because these people couldn't get away with these crimes if it weren't for a system built around the idea that white people are gods and have special privileges other 'mere mortals' shouldn't have! Our fight is not with the people of european descent though; our fight is with the SYSTEM that makes it possible for people like darren wilson to get away with MURDER! And not just here in America either for foreign interlopers have interfered in the business of various countries in AFrica for far too long! They keep civil war going and civil strife! They stifle our economic development and keep it from deveoping, murder our leaders and plant inefficient greedy bloodthirsty traitors in their place! They've used a combination of spy organization; mi6, cia, french secret service, mossad, and others to committ various acts of sabotage, they support mercenary armies that cause insurrections, blow up power plants, destroy crops and buildings, and exploit our people for their economic gain! ENOUGH! This job is too big for us for we'll be at war with them for years trying to get them off our backs with much blood spewed in the process especially of the innocent! If that's the way it has to be then SO BE IT, but God is mighty enough wipe them away even as one swipes away a gnat! We don't seek the destruction of the european people, that's God's decision to make. But we do seek the destruction of their power for we have suffered under their yoke FOR  FAR TOO LONG!! We are the sons and daughters of Abraham and we still have a covenant with our Lord! We've had it with trying to work with the white establishment for they cannot be reasoned with or dealt with! All we need now is their ABSOLUTE DESTRUCTION so that America and AFrica and other nations that have suffered under the yoke of this satanic philosophy can be free to discover how far they can go and be all they can be without interference in their affairs! See how India has done with the exit of the british government! See how well China has done and Japan after kicking out the white establishment! We can only surmise that we will enjoy a freedom, a prosperity, a joy in life once our enemies ARE TOTALLY DESTROYED!! We thank our Lord for delivering our enemies into our hands without having to fire a shot and that never again shall the evil spectre of the satanic doctrine of 'white supremacy' darken our door! How God does it is of course his affair, but we want white supremacy to go the way of the philistine; wiped away from existence never to return nor be remembered! We thank You Lord for this for YOU ARE ABLE and thus WE are able! Thank you Jesus! Thank you!

Prayer Warriors; The White Establishment Must Go!

It is time for the white establishment to go! We are here to thank God that the white establishment has gone the way of the philistine! After Michael Brown and the release of darren wilson enough is enough! We've suffered under the cruel yoke of oppression from the white establishment long enough! It's time to do something! Just as Ghandi told the british to leave India and was able to do so through sheer force of will, with God's help we can destroy the power of the white establishment and fix it so they can no longer be a threat to our advancement anymore! We're through pleading with the white establishment to 'play fair'; the only thing we need now is their ABSOLUTE DESTRUCTION! No we're not asking for the destruction of european people, that is for God to decide, but the destruction of the POWER and SYSTEMS they use to oppress us in Africa as well as here in America! If God chooses to destroy them completely like the philistine that is His Affair! What we're praising God for is the destruction of every institution and bastion of power they have to be destroyed so that they will never threaten African people again! We are the sons and daughters of Abraham; we still have a covenant with the Lord! It is time for us to be set free and power put back in our hands so that we can start to right these many many many wrongs! By God's Good Grace, we thank our Lord that the white establishment has gone the way of the philistine!

We ask that all Africans, African Americans, Asians, native Americans, Indians, Arabs, and others who have suffered under the cruel and satanic yoke of white supremacy join with us in this prayer;

Dear Lord, we thank You for this day. We come to you though in unison with a prayer and hope for the future of the world. And Lord in Jesus name we ask you for the total and complete destruction of the white establishment WORLDWIDE! We do not pray for the destruction of white people Lord, we leave that up to you; but we do pray for the destruction of their power; for they only use it for evil purposes and the oppression of all non=whites of the world and we are weary of them Lord! We pray for the release of Israel back into the hands of the TRUE sons and daughters of Abraham and the expulision of these white fakers who have occupied our land and tried to steal our legacy and our birthright as well as the dragging into the dirt of all those who support and propegate white supremacy until they are no more even as the evil philistine are no more! This we pray our Lord in the name of your Son Jesus Christ; amen