Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Syria; trump is gonna get America destroyed

The powers that be is trying to get trump to lead us into a world war that America will lose. They're back with this bullshit about Syria again. Now let me spell it out for you. We were supposed to  be in Syria fighting isis (israeli secret intelligence service). Then all of a sudden we're there to help the Syrian 'rebels' who appeared out of nowhere, probably after the cia started working the area, in their 'fight for freedom and democracy' you know that usual line of crap they hit us with when they're doing someething patently illegal! Now as far as any of us could tell the Syrian people had NO PROBLEMS with Assad. Washington all of a sudden had a problem with Assad.  Since your so dedicated to 'freedom' and 'justice' and 'democracy' why dont you punish those white kkkops here in 'America' for murdering those innocent unarmed Black men and three Black children! HYPCRITES!!!!! You gotta fly thosands of miles to Syria to show how dedicated you are to 'freedom' and democracy?!!?  REALLY?!!? That's why God is gonna' destroy you liars if you push on with this illegal action. OTHER COUNTRIES, A WARNING FROM GOD; DON'T LET THESE LYING FOOLS LEAD YOU INTO THIS TOO OR YOU WILL BE DESTROYED BY GOD TOO!!! UN quit allowing the government here to use you to rubberstamp every lousy thing they decide to do! Stand up for once and tell them to go to hell!  They can't nuke everybody besides God is the ultimate power!!! quit being cowards and stand up for the people of the world for once!!!  Now what is in Syria that somebody wants, and I'm not talkin' about trump and his henchmen, but the real powers behind trump pushing him into this very absurd and asinine action!!! What do the Syrians have that they want? Can anyone tell me this? Well lemme tell you something; God is sick of you people. If you start a war with Russia in your vain attempts to knock down Syria, you will lose. God is not with you and will not allow it, and if you think your gonna' rain down death and destruction on us  here in America and just fade away into the background you can forget it!  God has givin' the new king a commission to find you all and bring you back to stand trial for ALL of your crimes! Coz' if you push on ahead with this action, you will bring foreign troops here for the first time since the British!!! And God will make sure you pay for though you try an hide on the moon, the new king will pursue you! Let it go! Save yourselves! You're not invincible; God is! This will be your last warning! And it is not me who threatens you, but the Lord himself! Your day is over! Enjoy your ill gotten gain and abandon this sinful criminal action or you will lose everything and you will not have ne'er enough money to buy yourselves out of the trouble that is coming your way nor enough influence either! So quit while you're ahead! Lemme give you a hint; the king hates you already; with God's sanction destroying you would be his pleasure; so be wise and take this warning seriously. This be God who threatens you not me; with Him as your enemy you haven't a prayer. Be wise now.

Wag the Dog? Offering No Proof, Trump Threatens New Attacks Against Syria

It could be, suggested one Russian lawmaker, that "the US is trying to hoodwink the global public with another 'test tube containing some white powder' to justify its own acts of aggression."
President Donald J. Trump with some of his closest advisors at Mar-a-Lago on April 6, 2017 at a top secret briefing on the results of the missile strike on Shayat Air Base in Syria. (Photo: Picture Alliance/Associated Press)
In the wake of new reporting suggesting that the Trump administration's decision to target the Syrian government with cruise missiles in early April was conducted without sufficient evidence and over the objections of some in the U.S. intelligence community, the White House on Monday night threatened President Bashar al-Assad's government with further military action.
In a message that, according to the New York Times, "appeared designed to set the stage for another possible military strike," the White House statement made a claim (though it offered no evidence to support it) that the Syrian military appeared to be planning a chemical attack similar to one that took place in the village of Khan Sheikhoun on April 4. If "another" such attack took place, said the tweeted statement, there would be a "heavy price" for Assad to pay.
"Did the Syrians plan the attack on Khan Sheikhoun? Absolutely. Do we have intercepts to prove it? Absolutely. Did they plan to use sarin? No. But the president did not say: ‘'We have a problem and let's look into it.' He wanted to bomb the shit out of Syria."
While the White House has yet to present verifiable evidence proving Syria intentionally targeted its own civilian population with chemical weapons in Khan Sheikhoun, the Assad government—though it acknowledges carrying out airstrikes in the town that day—continues to deny it was behind the horrific deaths. The Russian government, an ally of Assad and fighting on its behalf against rebel factions and the Islamic State, has said that a conventional weapon dropped by a Syrian warplane may have hit depots of chemical agents, chlorine, or fertilizers which resulted in the toxic gas that killed an estimated 60 people, including many children.
According the numerous outlets, Monday night's statement from the White House caught much of the U.S. intelligence community off guard. As the Independent reports, sources from within the U.S. State Department, Pentagon and Central Command said that "they did not know what had prompted the unprecedented threat to the Assad regime."
In his response, Russian President Vladimir Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov on Tuesday morning said that "such threats to Syria's legitimate leaders are unacceptable." Meanwhile, the Syrian government dismissed the allegations as false.
During a congressional hearing on Capitol Hill on Tuesday morning, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said Trump's warning—aimed not just at Syria, but also at Russia and Iran—should be taken as, "If this happens again, we are pointing you on notice."
But in the upper chamber of the Russian Parliament, Konstantin Kosachev, Head of the Federation Council's International Affairs Committee, pushed back by saying the White House claims of a pending chemical attack by Syria smelled more like an orchestrated ruse for a preemptive strike by the U.S. rather than a serious attempt to prevent such an attack.
It could be, said Kosachev, as he made reference to the phony intelligence that led to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, "that the US is trying to hoodwink the global public with another 'test tube containing some white powder' to justify its own acts of aggression." Though stated as plausible, not factual, Kosachev said, "America could... be preparing its own preemptive strike against Syrian troops and play on the issue that has already been promoted globally, and so, any preventive actions will be justified."
Whatever the intelligence or motivations informing the White House, Kosachev added, the threats by Trump should be considered "extremely reprehensible" and "particularly frightening" given the stakes involved. "[The U.S.] can be aware of the upcoming attack and is not trying to prevent it," he said, "but pin the blame for it on the Syrian leader in advance."
The latest developments come amid new reporting showing that previous White House claims about what led to the deaths in Khan Sheikhoun, often treated by officials and the U.S. press as certainties, should be met with much more skepticism, especially given the administration's pattern of making false and misleading statements to the public.
On Sunday, published in the German news outlet Welt, U.S. investigative journalist Seymour Hersh reported that Trump "ignored important intelligence reports" when he ordered the launch of 59 cruise missiles on a Syrian government airbase on April 6, two days after after he saw pictures of people dying, including children, from chemical exposure on April 4.
According to Hersh's reporting, Trump issued the order for the attack "despite having been warned by the U.S. intelligence community that it had found no evidence that the Syrians had used a chemical weapon."
A free and independent press is essential to the health of a functioning democracy

Monday, June 26, 2017

Lin Yao Li video of being stripped publicly for adultery, excellent video and great anti-chinese propeganda staged by mi6 and probably cia

Now anyone remember this chinese video supposedly of an angry wife and her friends publicly stripping this so-called poor woman for sleeping with her husband. Anybody notice the good angles and shots got from this video? Excellent lighting, like it was produced in hollywood or something? That's because it probably was! No surveillance camera no nearby passerby with a cellphone camera could take such good shots like this. This whole incident was staged and not by the Chinese. They had nothing to gain by this. This didn't happen per chance either, for the video is too good. This was an mi6 operation or cia or both. Why? Well, this is something they're known for and anti chinese propeganda. They're trying to show the Chinese that their government doesn't look out for their people like the the great whitey would even though they got millions of chinese hooked on opium just like the cia tried to get millions of Black hooked on first heroin then crack here in America and trying to get women's groups around the world up in arms (which they succeded in doing that; women, white women in particular, are so desirous for power they'll jump all over something like this, though I notice none of the women's groups in America jumped on the incident in texas in America where the kkkops grabbed a young black woman and spread her legs wide right there on the highway; that's why the king is shutting down these women's groups here, for they're nothing but organizations created by the white establishment to try an overthrow governments and societal systems who stand up to their tyranny) to create this anti-china sentiment.  You see mi6 and cia play complex psychological games they hope will yield fruit, ten twenty years down the line. They' ve had so much practice playing these games in Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and the African American community in America, they've gotten quite good at it and they work! This video they hope will be the beginning of a grassroots revolt within China itself against their government, and you see the whiteys always go for the woman. The woman always proves to be the weak link within most societies for they always have complaints about how things are. Everytime they go for the woman, and they're hoping this video would start conversations between Chinese women about the inadequacies of their government. Now when the whiteys were in China, they used Chinese women as their own personal whores but of course they want you to forget that. They're 'sorry' for that now coz' they want you to turn against your own men coz 'the white man is sooooo much better!'  Here's part of this bullshit:

Video: Chinese woman Lin Yao Li stripped and beaten by 4 women after sleeping with another woman’s husband


 Lin Yao Li stripped and beaten
Because it’s always a woman’s fault why men cheat….

Chinese woman Lin Yao Li has incurred the wrath of fellow women after discovering she had slept with a fellow woman’s husband. Subjected to a vicious beating on the street the woman who had been stripped bare was barely able to get passing police officer’s to raise their eyebrows as a culture ‘of the concubine has made such ‘arguments of the heart’ legitimate in the homeland.
The woman’s beating reports the UK’s dailymail is the latest in a number of similar incidents in which it seems there is placid acceptance in Chinese society of such humiliation, as long as the victim is seen as deserving in having caused a man to cheat on his partner.
At the time of the 38 year old woman’s attack, she had been ambushed by four women as she walked home from the shops in the city of Puyang in eastern China’s Henan Province.

Don't you believe it! This whole incident was staged!Love the video. You need to post the viddeo again.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Blackout Day July 28, 2017 in protest against repugnicans stealing our Healthcare!!!

If you want to keep your Healthcare and stop the repugnicans in the senate from robbing us of the Affordable Healthcare Act so that we can get the Healthcare we need and continue to live, on July 28th lets send a clear message to the government and turn off our tv's. Let no one watch tv for a single day and try not to shop at any store either, especially the major stores who are pushing behind the scenes for the repugnicans to take away our Healthcare. God bless us all and lets send the establishment a clear message this time that we're not backing down! July 28th, 2017, BLACKOUT DAY!!! Spread the word!

Thank all for participating in the Blackout Day. The next one will be on July 15 of this year. Hopefully all will participate.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Healthcare; If You Believe the senate needs to leave our Healthcare alone; lets begin a nationwide blackout by turning off all televisions across the country! Make the networkds and their sponsors who support taking away our healthcare lose billions when we cut off our tv's and that's only the beginning!!!

People all across country are afraid of losing their healthcare.  But the republicans that everyone supported so adamantly coz' they thought they were 'standing up' to President Obama (now why did they need to 'stand up to him? What did he do that he needed 'standing up' to? See how God punishes those who are foolish? See you got what you wanted, now you're about to lose WHAT YOU NEED!!!)  Coz' you wanted someone to 'stand up' to the Black man! See how God fixes your red wagons? Now that white man who you wanted to 'stand up' to the Black, and convince you you're still in charge of this country, see how he's doing you? President Obama was the one who fought for YOU and GOT you relief from all of these expensive medical bills. Now your repugnican white brothers are trying to take it away from you and gas you up by throwing racial insults Obama's way reminding you of your own racist stupidity while they rob you of something very important YOU NEEED!!! So much for white solidarity, coz' it's mostly white people who will suffer. Blacks were already having trouble getting decent healthcare for years, EVEN WHEN WE COULD PAY FOR IT! So God is showing you the wages of your sins! You shot yourselves in the foot being racist and ignorant coz' it bothered you so much that a Black man was President! Let me tell you something; God rules this world and the rest of the universe! If he wants a martian to be President, HOW CAN YOU THINK YOU CAN STOP HIM???? The white man rules nothing, lest God allow it! He's changing the game around and people like Trump and the repugnican party and their supporters are trying with all of their might to defy God and His Will!!! They will not succeed, but if you want to save your Healthcare, yet again you better listen to a Black man, coz' I'm God's annointed who will one day be king. Be stupid if you want and you will lose. Up to you. The Lord is my shepherd; and I shall not want.
You need to begin a nationwide boycott; cut off all of your televisions just for a day!!! They will lose billions. And let them know why you're doing this!! Let them know that if they do not leave your healthcare alone there will be grievous consequences! And we will make sure they BLEED MONEY!!!! Now you can turn your tv's off for one day; you can miss all of your favorite shows for just one day; they will lose billions that way alone. Then from there we'll start getting tough! Lets make this the most expensive affair they've ever dealt with! So turn off your cnn, your headline news, your fox news, these are the main supporters of taking away your healthcare!  Lets make them bleed green!!!

June 30,2017; BLACK OUT DAY! EVERYBODY TURN OFF YOUR TV'S IN PROTEST AGAINST THE repugnicans  TRYING TO REPEAL THE AFFORDABLE HEALTHCARE ACT or ObamaCare  the repugnicans call it when they're trying to play the race card!

 The face of  satanic repugnican evil!

Pinterest; here's a message to you!

You know I'm sick to death of Pinterest and their stupid attempts to try an control what I say. All of a sudden they have a problem with what I say. Well I'm not gonna' curb my message to accommodate you for the days of cowtowing to people like you is over. God is in control and I'm doing my job. You I do not fear; only God. But you will fear me one day; as God's appointed and annointed! You ain't gonna' tell me what I can and can't say, so get over it! So to hell with you!


Friday, June 16, 2017

Bill Cosby; Jury being held hostage til they deliver a guilty verdict! This is what the evil white establishment wants and they will break every law, tell any lie, and threaten anyone until they get it! This is proof of the need for the world to rise up in God's name and totally destroy the white establishment especially here in America!!!

Three days of deliberation and the jury can't decide on a verdict; Rather than declare a mistrial or just find Cosby not guilty which is what they want to do, the powers that  be are abusing the 'justice' system again here in America to comitt this injustice against Cosby!   Coz it's obvious that the jury isn't convinced a crime was committed. This whole thing is wrong and a sign that Africans will not have justice here until we take up arms and God Bless us to put the evil white establishment down for good on the battlefield.We all know there is a cabal of evil whitey men trying to destroy  Cosby; racism is at the center of it.  But they have violated every law they could to put Cosby in this position and think that we all believe their  blown up lies about the man. Or they think enough people believe it so that they can continue on. If this isn't proof that we need to settle for nothing less than the absolute total and complete destruction of the white establishment, I don'ty know what to tell you. At first my main goal was to try an keep them from committing this massive injustice against Mr. Cosby, coz' they did the same thing to me once. But now I've  changed my mind coz the world needs to see how unjust and corrupt the white establishment is here in America so that we can all pull together, join forces, and work towards their absolute and total destruction! Sorry Mr. Cosby but the world needs to see that we have a satanic enemy who doesn't believe in God, righteousness , nor justice! Sorry you have to be a sacrifice but just know in God's Name you will be avenged! You and your poor son who was murdered by these sameGod'less bastards! They will be fronted out for the world to see and they will suffer and by God JUSTICE WILL PREVAIL!!! Prepare for war all, for we cannot talk nor reason with these savages! God bless us to be Armed to the teeth and strong enough to take down this wretched enemy!!!  And to the white people; if you continue to allow these racist honkies to represent you, you will be destroyed right along with them. Coz God is going to destroy them for good this time. They are the new philistine, and the Lord will erase them from memory as He did the ones of old!

Bill Cosby trial: Jury tests patience of judge as deliberations continue

Maryclaire Dale, Michael Sisak

Bill Cosby enters the courtroom on the third day of jury deliberations in his sexual assault trial at the Montgomery County Courthouse: Mark Makela/Getty Images

The jury in Bill Cosby's sexual assault case tested the patience of defence lawyers and even the judge on the fifth day of deliberations as it repeatedly asked to run through testimony from the TV star, his accuser and others, struggling to break a deadlock that threatens to end the trial without a verdict.
With deliberations running about as long as the testimony of all the witnesses combined, the 79-year-old TV star's lawyer complained that jurors were seeking a replay of the entire trial.
Judge Steven O'Neill twice refused defence requests for a mistrial, declaring that jurors could talk as long as they wanted over allegations that Cosby drugged and molested a woman at his suburban Philadelphia mansion in 2004 - allegations Mr Cosby denies.
But even the solicitous judge had his limits, putting his foot down late Friday afternoon when the jurors asked to hear a sliver of testimony they'd just had read back to them. The judge told them they had to rely on their collective memory.
Mr Cosby thanked his fans and supporters on as the jury deliberated sexual assault charges that could send him to prison for the rest of his life, tweeting shortly after the panel asked to review his testimony about giving drugs to women with whom he wanted to have sex.
It was the first Twitter message from Mr Cosby in more than a week and came as jurors spent a fifth day in talks, trying to break an impasse that has raised the possibility his trial will end without a verdict. The defence said the jury had struggled with the charges long enough, twice asking for a mistrial Friday.
Cosby lawyer Brian McMonagle objected in court to the panel's repeated requests to review testimony, saying it suggested some jurors were trying to coerce other jurors in an attempt to bring an end to the deadlock.
"They were here!" said Mr McMonagle, exasperated.
Judge Steven O'Neill said he saw no evidence of coercion or trouble in the deliberating room after the jurors reported their impasse on Thursday and he instructed them to keep trying for a verdict.
"There's a misperception that there's a time limit," the judge said, adding he'd let the jurors work as long as they wanted.
On Friday, the panel listened again to what Mr Cosby had to say about his use of Quaaludes, a now-banned party drug.
Mr Cosby testified in a 2006 deposition that he got seven prescriptions for the powerful sedative in the 1970s for the purpose of giving them to women before sex.
The testimony is relevant because Mr Cosby is charged with drugging and molesting Andrea Constand, a former Temple University employee, at his suburban Philadelphia home in 2004.
Mr Cosby, 79, has said he gave Benadryl to Ms Constand, 44, before a consensual sexual encounter. Prosecutors have suggested he might have given her Quaaludes.
Mr Cosby, who gave the deposition as part of Ms Constand's lawsuit against him, said in 2006 he never took Quaaludes himself, preferring to keep them on hand for social situations.
"When you got the Quaaludes, was it in your mind that you were going to use these Quaaludes for young women that you wanted to have sex with?" Mr Cosby was asked.
"Yes," he answered.

It's obvious that the one who wrote this article works for the evil white establishment reportin all of these lies!  When is this lady gonna' give back the money she took in the agreement not to talk a bout this? See how the white establishment broke their own laws  by dredging this incident back up; coz' the laws here are only for the protection of white people, NOT ANY OTHERS!!!!

People orf the world; this is the kind of injustice that continually happens against non-whites here in the 'land of the free' and 'home of the brave'!!! Quite believing the bullshit assed lies they tell you and listen to us non-whites who know how it really is in this damned countyry!! Racism is styill at the core of EVERYTHING theydo!!!!

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Otto Warmbier; sad about his condition; but RESPECT the laws of other nations!!

You know everyone is crying about Otto Warmbier.  Now it's sad what happened to him but white people seem to think they can go to other peaple's countries and do whatever they want to do . You cannot go to other people's countries and run roughshod all over their laws! This fool knew better but thought  because he's a white 'American they would excuse it! Well people are getting sick of that shit and once the  Good Lord installs me as king, I'm kicking most white people out of Africa and enforcement of African laws will be firm!!! Warning to the white people; God is taking away your privileged status; learn now that you are not gonna continue to get preferential treatment so respect other people and their laws! As for what happened to this poor boy, I don't believe the N Koreans did anything to him other than put him in jail. Probably the cia gave this boy something in a desperate plan to spring him from a N Korean jail, or to kill him in order to do political damage to the N Korean regime; just like they killed the man's brother coz' they couldn't get to him to send Kim Jung Un a threatening message and tried to make people believe that Kim Jung Un was behind it.  Now the man left N Korea a place where he had it made and moved elsewhere and wasn't involved in politics nor in any plot to try an depose his brother (for I'm certain the cia approached him with this idea) yet Kim Jung Un thought his brother was a political liabilityand killed him? Besides, those ladies who murdered him, the way they did it put me in the mind of cia or mi6 training rather than   Chinese or N Korean intelligence. They were trying to make a brutal statement and initiate fear. That's how they do, like when they had Samuel Doe in Liberia televise the murders of Liberian politicians who demanded Exxon and Firestone pay for the rubber they were taking from their country.President was murdered by the cia and then they instituted a program of abject murder of Government workers, teachers, doctors, and other important officials trying to initiate fear of the mighty whitey in Liberia. Well I got a word for them; you need to fear God for He has had enough of you and you will be the ones who will know fear!!!! Now his cousins were for they were approached  by mi6 and cia but the Chinese and Kim Jung Un moved in on them first and put the kibash on that plan. Be glad when they are no longer in a position to be able to do stuff like this, the whiteys not the Asians.

Otto Warmbier is dead; but the N Koreans had nothing to do with it.They had no reason to kill this stupid boy, they had him in their jail; they had made their point; probably the cia did it. Trying to create anger against the N Korea and scared coz they keep developing their missile program. Don't believe the lies of the white media in America, for they are always trying to tell us how to think. O.J. Simpson got away with murder, everybody hates Obamacare (the ultimate lie), Kim Jung Un had his own brother killed, u.s. military shot down that Syrian jet by accident, the Phillipines asked for the U.S. military to return (big fuckin' lie), Bill Cosby raped all of those women, one lie after another they tell; and their lapdog england backs up all of their lies! God, destroy this evil white establishment in the name of Jesus!

US student suffered 'extensive' brain damage in N. Korea


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US student Otto Warmbier, seen here in February 2016, was arrested for committing hostile acts against North Korea (AFP Photo/Handout)
Chicago (AFP) - Doctors treating Otto Warmbier, the US student released by North Korea in a coma this week, said Thursday the 22-year-old had suffered severe brain damage, as his father lashed out at the reclusive regime.
Warmbier suffered extensive tissue loss in all regions of the brain, doctors said, but he showed no signs of physical trauma and medical tests offered no conclusive evidence as to the cause of his neurological injuries.
His father, Fred Warmbier, hit out at Kim Jong-Un's authoritarian regime which kept the family in the dark, with little to no news for much of the young man's imprisonment.
It was only a week ago that they were told he had been in a coma since shortly after he was incarcerated in March 2016 for stealing a political poster from a hotel.
"Even if you believe their explanation of botulism and a sleeping pill causing the coma -- and we don't," Warmbier told a news conference earlier Thursday in the family's home city of Cincinnati, Ohio, "there is no excuse for any civilized nation to have kept his condition secret and denied him top-notch medical care for so long."
"I call on them to release the other Americans being held," he urged, referring to three US citizens still in North Korea.
Warmbier's doctors at the UC Health University of Cincinnati Medical Center said the young man was able to breathe on his own, but his neurological state was best described "as a state of unresponsive wakefulness."
"He has spontaneous eye opening and blinking. However, he shows no signs of understanding language, responding to verbal commands or awareness of his surroundings," neurologist Daniel Kanter said.
The medical team said Warmbier's severe brain injury was most likely -- given his young age -- to have been caused by cardiopulmonary arrest cutting the blood supply to the brain.
But they could not definitively say what could have caused such an event, saying they had found no signs of a botulism infection -- the explanation given by the North Korean regime for how the young man fell into a coma.
- Trump call -
In a one-line statement earlier on Thursday on the state-run Korean Central News Agency, North Korea said it had released Warmbier "on humanitarian grounds."
The university student had been on a tourist trip when he was arrested and sentenced to 15 years hard labor, a punishment the US decried as far out of proportion to his alleged crime, accusing the North of using him as a political pawn.
His release came amid tensions with Washington following a series of missile tests by Pyongyang, focusing attention on an arms buildup that Pentagon chief Jim Mattis this week dubbed "a clear and present danger to all."
Washington has stepped up pressure on China and other foreign powers to enforce existing UN sanctions on North Korea, and has deployed increased military assets of its own in the region.
Fred Warmbier expressed gratitude for the US administration's efforts in his son's favor, and said he spoke personally with President Donald Trump late Wednesday night.
"He was very candid and it was a nice conversation," he said, adding that Trump expressed concern for the family's wellbeing.
The young man's release came after a flurry of secret diplomatic contacts, which culminated in Joseph Yun, the State Department's special envoy to North Korea, travelling to Pyongyang.
While there, Yun also met with the three other Americans being held, who include two men who taught at a Pyongyang university funded by overseas Christian groups, and a Korean-American pastor who was accused of espionage for the South.
Warmbier's evacuation also coincided with the arrival in Pyongyang of flamboyant retired NBA basketball star Dennis Rodman -- a former contestant on Trump's "Celebrity Apprentice" reality show.
Fred Warmbier echoed the message of US officials, who have said Rodman played no role in the release.
"Dennis Rodman had nothing to do with Otto," he said. "It's a diversion, I'm sure."
The student's father also criticized the previous administration of Barack Obama for not having done more for their son.
He said officials had counseled the family to not speak out about Otto's detention, to avoid antagonizing the reclusive regime of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un.
"We relied on this false premise that they would treat Otto fairly and let him go," Warmbier said. "The results speak for themselves."

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Attack on repugnican congressman brazen and shamelss sham to win over public sympathy so they can move on taking Healthcare away from Americans,that ends in senseless murder of alleged attacker and possibly a congressman

Now did I not tell you that something else would happen in a shameless attempt to win over sympathy and empathy for the repugnican cause  to take away Healthcare from all Americans? After that Kathy Griffin stunt didn't work with her picture of Trump's head and all that now this. Funny how so far none of the congressman allegedly 'attacked' were killed but the gunman is dead. We didn't need to hear anything he had to say now did we?!!? He might have started out like 'lee harvey oswald' letting everyone know he was a patsy and no attack really took place! And don't start that bullshit about our government wouldn't and couldn't do such things. I'll bet if independent doctors examined those congressman who were 'lucky' they wouldn't find any bullet wounds and the congressman who may have been actually shot, any reason somebody might want him dead? What he isn't playing ball the way they want him to so they intend to make a repugnican martyr out of him so they can finally kill the Affordable Healthcare Act? Hmm? Yes, they are willing to do anything they feel they have to to get what they want. Or for the people they really work for who are hiding behind corporate office doors and such. Think it ain't so? Keep on dreaming.

Get this folks; found out the senate with all of this manufactured bullshit going on is trying to move quietly under cover to schedule a vote to effectively put an end to the Affordable Healthcare Act or when they're trying to play the race card they call it 'Obama-care'! Told you they are behind all of this  bullshit going on and the media is complicit in trying to distract you while they do their thing.

I wonder what kind of cockeyed scheme they'll try next.

Congressman Critically Wounded in Mass Shooting at Baseball Practice for GOP House Members in Virginia, Gunman Dead

Posted on
One Congressman has been critically wounded in a mass shooting after a gunman opened fire on a group of GOP lawmakers and aides practicing for a charity baseball game in Alexandria, Virginia, early Wednesday.
House Whip Steve Scalise from Louisiana was shot in the hip and is in critical condition, MedStar Washington Hospital Center tweeted Wednesday afternoon.
Three other victims were wounded as well, including two Capitol Police agents and one congressional staffer, a federal law enforcement official told PEOPLE. The official added that another staffer may have been injured, but it is unclear how the injury occurred.

Scott Eells/Bloomberg via Getty
One of Rep. Roger Williams’ aides was injured in the attack and was being treated at a local hospital in the wake of the shooting, Williams announced in a statement. Williams confirmed his aide, Zachary Barth’s, injury in a tweet, writing that Barth was shot but is expected to make a full recovery.
“I now can confirm that Zack Barth, who is a legislative correspondent in my office, was shot this morning at baseball practice,” he tweeted.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Whoopi Goldberg silenced by white establishment on Bill Cosby as they threaten to come against her if she didn't make an about face

Now at first I admired Whoopi Goldberg for having the guts to stand up for Bill Cosby against the evil white establishment. But they pressured the people around her then pressured her and threatened to come against her if she didn't go along with their scheme to railroad Cosby.  I blame her for not standing up for her own, but she got scared and all the other blacks in hollywood are shivering in their boots and hiding in their closets hoping they won't be the next victims of the evil white establishment afraid to stand up for their Brother for fear of losing everything they 'worked hard for'. What these fools don't realise is that they are next. Bein' a 'good niggah' ain't gonna save you. You are next! These fools still don't realise that the white bastards gave them NOTHING! Your so-called 'hard work' yielded you NOTHING!!! God's Favour Smiled on you, that is the only reason you succeeded for were it left up to the white establishment YOU'D STILL BE SLAVES WORKING FOR NOTHING!!!!! THEY WANT TO PUT YOU BACK THERE NOW, THAT'S THE REASON WHEN THEY TALK ABOUT YOUR HISTORY ALL THEY TALK ABOUT IS SLAVERY!!! THEY DON'T TALK ABOUT OUR KINGS OUR QUEENS OUR GREAT NATIONS, ALL THEY MENTION IS SLAVERY!!!! FOOLS GET A CLUE!!!!!  God blessed them to have this; hell God gave it to the white man; now He's going to take it all away since the white establishment think they are gods. This is why it's time for them to go; no more talk, no more negotiations, no more following so called Black leaders who have sold us out, no more talks of non-violent protest where we're marching the streets in circles and accomplishing nothing but wearing down the souls of our shoes. I am leader now ordained by God and there will be no bargains made with the white devils, except one; kill yourselves and save everyone time and trouble! They use the same sort of means to silence us yet our answer  according to all these other so-called 'community leaders' is to march in the streets carrying signs. Ain't it obvious by now that this is a useless gesture?!!? Blood is gonna have to flow for change to be made, but if we turn to our God, the God of the Hebrew people (us the so-called African Americans) He can see to it that only the blood of our enemies is spewed. So listen to nor follow no one who calls themself a 'black' leader. I have authorized NO ONE to lead in my stead. I will do it all myself for a little while. So those of you in the nation of islame, if you want to help your people, leave the nation now and wait for my orders. Those of you in the new so-called black panthers, leave now. You're working for the fbi. Leave and wait for my orders. God has made me leader now so be obedient to His Will and wait, for our purpose now is the absolute total and complete DESTRUCTION of the white establishment world wide. With God, we are more than able! Whatever is lost, we will rebuild it ourselves and there will be more to replace the little bit that was lost!

whoopi goldberg talks tough  but she has been utterly and completetly cowed by the white establishment, scared she'll lose everything or they'll move against her. She doesn't realise it's God who gave her favor to succeed in hollywood, not the white dogs. And she has angered the king and  is going to lose everything anyway, for he's taking it all. Always stand up for your brother when he's being falsely accused and unjustly treated. All you blacks shaking in your boots scared of the mitey whitey, first off God is the only one you should fear, secondly you don't run when the whitey attacks your brother or sistahs, stand and help them fight! Since you fear the whitey so much, know this; God is setting up a new system in this country and the king He has designated is taking everything you got. Your punishment for sitting by quietly and watching the whiteys gang up on your brother and destroy him. Taking it all! All of you!  It is war with the white establishment, for enough is enough! No more marching, no more negotioations, no more listening to leaders who've sold us out for a price; who? you know who. But forget it, we all need each other now!

Whoopi Goldberg, Bill Cosby
Getty Images

Bill Cosby is losing those who want to believe in his innocence at a rapid clip.
Whoopi Goldberg has, if not exactly defended Cosby, has repeatedly spoken out against racing to convict the comedian in the media. But now that nearly four dozen women have come forward to accuse Cosby of either sexual assault or attempted sexual assault, Goldberg's point of view has finally shifted.
Cosby, through his attorney, has denied the allegations, though an unearthed deposition in a civil suit from 2005 shows that he admitted to acquiring drugs to give to women he wanted to have sex with.
"If he was arrested, which he hasn't been, the legal standard would be proof beyond a reasonable doubt and he would be innocent until proven guilty," ABC News legal analyst Dan Abrams explained in a one-on-one sit-down with Goldberg this morning on The View.

Friday, June 9, 2017

Chelsea Manning the wiki leaks informant a 'traitor to his country' for making people aware of these cold blooded murders committed by american troops? ARE THEY KIDDING?? What kind of 'patriot' stands by and legitimizes murder of unarmed citizens? If anything, this guy is a true hero!!!! The 'traitors' were the soldiers murdering those unarmed civilians!!!! Now we know why the white establishment won't punish kkkops who kkkommitt murders of African Americans here in the U.S.!!!! American soldiers committing blatant acts of MURDER s and this poor boy goes to jail? The white establishment's idea of justice and right and wrong is satanic at best and warped beyond fuckin' belief at worst!!!! What they were doing is against God and AGAINST THE LAW!!!!!!! Why isn't the United Nations and the world court kicking into action to bring these murderers to justice? Why because it's the united states and they're afraid of getting nuked? This needs to end!!!! The untied states can't nuke all of you and besides, this goes against one of God's major commandments; THOU SHALT NOT COMMITT MURDER!!!!!!!!!! IT DOESN'T SAY 'the united states or the white establishment is exempt from this law!!!!'


Dear Lord; we pray for the absolute total and complete destruction of the white establishment; we pray also Lord that these sons of the devil be silenced in their contention that murderers are 'patriots' and the world court bring these murderers ALL OF THEM to justice for their crimes and terrorizing these poor people. In Jesus name, amen.

Chelsea Manning, the Army intelligence analyst convicted of leaking classified information to anti-secrecy website Wikileaks, will be released from prison this week.
Shortly before leaving office, former President Obama announced he was commuting Manning's 35-year sentence after she had spent seven years behind bars. According to her attorneys, Manning will be released on May 17.
Before her trial Manning, then known as Bradley Manning, announced she was transgender and her attorneys argued she was not receiving adequate treatment for her gender issues while serving time at the male military prison facility at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.
Manning released the following statement through her attorneys:
"For the first time, I can see a future for myself as Chelsea. I can imagine surviving and living as the person who I am and can finally be in the outside world. Freedom used to be something that I dreamed of but never allowed myself to fully imagine. Now, freedom is something that I will again experience with friends and loved ones after nearly seven years of bars and cement, of periods of solitary confinement, and of my health care and autonomy restricted, including through routinely forced haircuts. I am forever grateful to the people who kept me alive, President Obama, my legal team and countless supporters.
"I watched the world change from inside prison walls and through the letters that I have received from veterans, trans young people, parents, politicians and artists. My spirits were lifted in dark times, reading of their support, sharing in their triumphs, and helping them through challenges of their own. I hope to take the lessons that I have learned, the love that I have been given, and the hope that I have to work toward making life better for others."
Manning, 29, was convicted in 2013 of violating the Espionage Act by providing sensitive information to the anti-secrecy website ran operated by Julian Assange.
Prior to the commutation, more than 115,000 people signed a White House petition calling for Manning to be released with time served.

Monday, June 5, 2017

white establishment in America moves forward to crucify Bill Cosby

See for yourselves how evil operates as the white establishment breaking the law to crucify African American legend Bill Cosby. Keshia Knight Pulliam, your a true sistah and a credit to our race, unlike (Sorry Malcolm) joseph c (for cissy) phillips you uncle tom bitch. Trying to protect your career boy you've just destroyed it! The king will make sure you never work in this country again you worthless ungrateful niggah! God bless you Dr. Cosby and let this be an example to the world of just how evil the white establishment is and let us all pray and work together for their absolute destruction!

Bill Cosby goes on trial for indecent assault

NORRISTOWN, Pennsylvania (CNN) -- Bill Cosby arrived Monday at the Montgomery County Courthouse to face charges that he drugged and assaulted former Temple University employee Andrea Constand at his Cheltenham home in 2004.
With the streets outside the courthouse lined with television trucks, Cosby arrived arm-in-arm with Keshia Knight Pulliam, who played his television daughter, Rudy Huxtable, on "The Cosby Show." The courtroom was packed with members of the public and media.
District Judge Steven O'Neill instructed jurors that Cosby is innocent until proved guilty, opening statements are not evidence and Cosby has a right to remain silent.
"This is an important case, a weighty case, and there's a lot of evidence," he said.
The 79-year-old actor faces three counts of aggravated indecent assault. He has denied the accusations since 2005, when Constand first went to the police. Opening statements are expected to being Monday morning.
The district attorney at the time of the alleged assault declined to press charges, and in 2006 Cosby settled a civil suit with Constand that remained sealed for almost a decade.
Though more than 50 women have leveled allegations against the former "I Spy" star, the trial will focus on the testimony of Constand and only one other accuser, who has been identified as Jane Doe.
Ex-Playboy model Victoria Valentino, Florida nurse Therese Serignese and former actor Lili Bernard, all among Cosby's accusers, were spotted in the courtroom's overflow room. They are not expected to testify.
Those close to Andrea Constand say she is feeling strong and is ready to tell her side of the story. She has already traveled from Toronto to Pennsylvania, but it's not yet clear when prosecutors will call her to the stand.
"She knows she has the truth on her side," one source told CNN.
A he said, she said case?
Cosby's attorney, Martin Singer, has repeatedly denied the accusations against his client, at one point in 2014 decrying what he called "unsubstantiated, fantastical stories," which were becoming "increasingly ridiculous."
Prosecutors had sought to include testimony from 13 other accusers, but O'Neill ruled that would be too prejudicial.
Cosby has said he does not plan to testify. His deposition from the civil suit will stand as his explanation of what happened -- which means the trial likely will hinge on a classic case of "he said, she said."
In the deposition, Cosby said he had engaged in consensual sexual activity with Constand -- and that he had obtained Quaaludes in order to give them to women with whom he wanted to have sex. The unsealed deposition was central to Cosby's arrest in December 2015.
Cosby will face a jury of seven men and five women. Two jurors are black. The jurors will be sequestered in the criminal trial for about two weeks, the lawyers in the case have predicted.
The criminal complaint
In 2005, Constand, the director of operations for the women's basketball team at Temple at the time, told police she was drugged and assaulted by Cosby, a Temple alumnus who was 37 years her senior.
Sometime between mid-January and mid-February in 2004, Cosby invited Constand to his home in the Philadelphia suburbs to discuss her career plans. She told him she was "drained" and had been missing sleep, according to a criminal complaint.
Cosby told her to relax and gave her three blue pills, saying "these will make you feel good. The blue things will take the edge off," according to the complaint. She asked if the pills were herbal and he said they were. Cosby then offered her wine, and after some cajoling, she took a couple of sips, the complaint says.
She began experiencing blurred vision and difficulty speaking, lost all strength in her legs, and was "in and out," she told police. According to the complaint, Cosby positioned himself behind her on the sofa, penetrated her vagina with his fingers and put her hand on his penis. She told police she did not consent to the touching.
Constand woke up in the morning and discovered that her bra was undone, according to the complaint.
Mom confronts Cosby, complaint says
About a year later, Constand told her mother about the assault, and her mother spoke with Cosby, who acknowledged fondling Constand's breasts, penetrating her vagina and putting her hand on his penis, the complaint says.
In an interview with police, Cosby said that the pills he gave Constand were over-the-counter Benadryl. He described their sexual encounter as consensual, and he said she never told him to stop or mentioned that her senses were affected by the Benadryl.
Cosby also gave an unusual answer when asked if he ever had sexual intercourse with Constand: "Never asleep or awake," he said.
District Attorney Bruce Castor declined to press charges in 2005, citing insufficient evidence. Constand filed a civil suit against Cosby shortly after, and Cosby gave a deposition in that case. He and Constand settled the civil suit in 2006.
Cosby starred in "Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids" and "The Cosby Show." Through the latter he turned middle-class African-American family life into a groundbreaking TV sitcom.
His sweater-wearing portrayal of Dr. Cliff Huxtable made him a household name and one of the most beloved comedians in the world. In later years, Cosby became a public moralizer, speaking out against what he saw as the failings of African-American community in raising children.