Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Prayer Warriors

We are christian warriors petitionining the LORD through prayer for the demise of the satanic systems devised by the evil ideals of white supremacy! We want this institution brought down never to rise again even as the philistine empire God laid it low such that there is no record in history that they even existed save the Bible! After the murders of 11 black people with all them resulting in no charges filed against police officers who committed the murders and many of them still have their jobs, we realize that the system is our enemy because these people couldn't get away with these crimes if it weren't for a system built around the idea that white people are gods and have special privileges other 'mere mortals' shouldn't have! Our fight is not with the people of european descent though; our fight is with the SYSTEM that makes it possible for people like darren wilson to get away with MURDER! And not just here in America either for foreign interlopers have interfered in the business of various countries in AFrica for far too long! They keep civil war going and civil strife! They stifle our economic development and keep it from deveoping, murder our leaders and plant inefficient greedy bloodthirsty traitors in their place! They've used a combination of spy organization; mi6, cia, french secret service, mossad, and others to committ various acts of sabotage, they support mercenary armies that cause insurrections, blow up power plants, destroy crops and buildings, and exploit our people for their economic gain! ENOUGH! This job is too big for us for we'll be at war with them for years trying to get them off our backs with much blood spewed in the process especially of the innocent! If that's the way it has to be then SO BE IT, but God is mighty enough wipe them away even as one swipes away a gnat! We don't seek the destruction of the european people, that's God's decision to make. But we do seek the destruction of their power for we have suffered under their yoke FOR  FAR TOO LONG!! We are the sons and daughters of Abraham and we still have a covenant with our Lord! We've had it with trying to work with the white establishment for they cannot be reasoned with or dealt with! All we need now is their ABSOLUTE DESTRUCTION so that America and AFrica and other nations that have suffered under the yoke of this satanic philosophy can be free to discover how far they can go and be all they can be without interference in their affairs! See how India has done with the exit of the british government! See how well China has done and Japan after kicking out the white establishment! We can only surmise that we will enjoy a freedom, a prosperity, a joy in life once our enemies ARE TOTALLY DESTROYED!! We thank our Lord for delivering our enemies into our hands without having to fire a shot and that never again shall the evil spectre of the satanic doctrine of 'white supremacy' darken our door! How God does it is of course his affair, but we want white supremacy to go the way of the philistine; wiped away from existence never to return nor be remembered! We thank You Lord for this for YOU ARE ABLE and thus WE are able! Thank you Jesus! Thank you!

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