Friday, March 13, 2015

Ferguson Cops Shot; Same Set UP As nypd; Only They Refuse to Kill whiteboy cops!

Okay, I've been looking at this crap about the police officers being shot in Ferguson Missouri. Now let me get it straight; I could care less about any white cops gettting shot! Not my concern and I feel they probably had it coming anyway! Then too that's the job they CHOSE! You're dealing with criminals you just might get shot! If you're a plumber you might get buried in a trench! If you're a teacher you might get killed by a crazy student! If you're a janitor you might get killed by toxic fumes during cleaning! We all got our troubles and our risks so a police officer's is no better or worse than anyone else's!

Now to this 'shooting' of the pigs in Ferguson! It just seems funny to me that during a PEACEFUL demonstration where the police were out in FULL FORCE then all of a sudden shots ring out from nowhere and two officers are down! Naturally they can't find the shooter or shooters and we're supposed to be rallying behind these officers! Don't that sound familiar? Like the nypd when they were on the receiving end of hate all of a sudden a 'black' guy murders a hispanic and an asian cop; NOT A whiteboy BUT TWO NON-WHITES WERE KILLED! Now the cops were white that were shot, but NOT KILLED! You know either some brutha (they are implying it was a brutha fer shure) has bad aim (not likely) or this was just another set up to try an turn public opinion against the protesters and try an get people to forget about the fact that a MURDERER was neither indicted fired or tried for his crimes! They just can't kill anyone white  can they or is it they want us to think the white man is so favored by God that even if we try to kill him we can't? That's a load of bull but some of them may be stupid enough to believe it! Ain't it something all the trouble they go to to protect just one white man even though they are murderers! They'll do anything under the sun rather than carry out JUSTICE in good faith and truth! Just further proof that it's time for the white establishment to go!

Bruthas' and sistahs know that none of us are responsible for these shootings; rather it's another contrived scheme by the white establishment to try and turn off the heat for the murders of our people they committed and their refusal to prosecute the white men responsible for these crimes and get us to listen to their lies instead of acknowledging the TRUTH that we have SEEN WITH OUR OWN EYES! God is going to punish these hypocrites and asessories to the murders of our bruthas'! Let's not be fooled and let's not turn down the heat! Don't be discouraged dismayed nor dissuaded from continuing to let the world know what cold-blooded murderers these white cops are and how this system has no more legitimacy since they can't be trusted with administering JUSTICE with impartiality and fairness! God is cutting down the white establishment and throwing them on a funeral pyre to burn! Let us know that we will be in power soon and then those who thought they were safe from JUSTICE they will be in for the shock of their lives! God bless all of you and keep you. To the white establishment, God is going to dash you to bits and make you go the way of the philistine! We look forward to it!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

ISIS: Those of you Responsible for This Fiasco God is Watching and He is NOT Pleased!

Okay now isis has been in the news with all of the murders they've been committing all of these atrocities in the Middle East! They wear masks and they spread terror with their murders of innocent people and whole families. They got a lot of attention when they beheaded some white guy on video! They went looking for 'jihadi john' and made a big hadoo out of it! They killed a few more whites on video before they stopped showing it! We all saw the video of them setting the Jordanian pilot on fire sparking action from Jordan. Also their most recent atrocity the murders of the Egyptian christians prompting action from Egypt. And they were in Libya. Let's not forget the hundreds of Arabs they've beheaded and proudly showing off their atrocity like insane hunters gathering trophies! These muslims aren't acting very muslim are they? Now what's this all about? Where did isis come from? Where did all these men come from? Material support and financial backing, where did it come from? These are questions that are on my mind.

Now mind you this is my theory but if you listen to my reasons you may agree with me. I just look at what isis is doing and their whole approach to this 'war' they started. All the killings for one thing. Why are they just killing and killing and killing? They have murdered hundreds of innocent Arab men and women mostly men though during their spread! Now they're allegedly trying to build up a nation in honor of and dedicated to the worship of Allah but thus far they've murdered more muslims than they have anyone else! They've killed a handful of westerners and hundreds of Arabs! That's suspicious right there.

Next, where did they get all of this money and equipment? I mean with the cia and mi6 and mossad in the area you're trying to tell me that nobody knew what was going on? Nobody knew about all of this equipment being gathered? All of these men being recruited? I mean isis operatives seem to be everywhere in the middle east and even as far as West Africa? How is it they are so many places all at once? Then where did all of this money come from that supports them in their efforts? Questions that have 'supposedly' been answered but not really.

Well, I've given it some careful thought and I've come to the astonishing conclusion that THERE IS NO ISIS! This whole scene smacks of an mi6 or cia operation considering how the money just keeps flowing to these people and material support. Another thing I find suspicious is there continued wearing of masks especially when they murdered the Egyptian christians. I don't believe that these men were Arabs who committed these murders but europeans themselves! Probably either a combination of mossad mi6 cia and other. Then another thing is their not showing the love and affection for other muslims that most muslims show. It's been reported that most of these soldiers don't pray at all and spend most of their time drinking and telling crude jokes! They've raped most women they've come across (something else so un-muslim) and the murders of hundreds of Arab men! Now 'who' do they intend to RULE over if they keep killing everyone? Could be they DON'T! They act like they're making room for possible COLONISTS in the not so distant future? That's what it seems like to me! But we're getting ahead of ourselves.

Other things too that have happened like the American bases in Saudi Arabia that refuse to leave, the occupation of Afghanistan where complete troop withdrawal still hasn't been achieved even under Obama, Mossad's determination to murder all of Iran's nuclear scientist and the interference of the e.u. and other governments in the economic and political structure of Egypt and other African countries and it just spells a massive european conspiracy the likes of which makes even the invasion of Normandy pale in comparison! This is a plan that has been carefully put together over a period of time and it DOESN'T INVOLVE ARABS NOR MUSLIMS! This is a european conspiracy directed by satan himself and their bid towards ultimate world domination by re-taking the middle east once again, something they've been trying to do since the sol-called 'crusades'! Well here is a message from the Lord; IT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!

First of all I'm certain that God is not pleased with all of the murders that have been happening in this area and I'm certain is weary of these constant attempts by the european powers to lay 'legitimate' claim to the inheritance of the sons and daughters of Abraham! They believe they can simply occupy the land and steal our birthright like thieves in the night and everything will be alright! Well hear this infidels; God is going to wreck you! All of your carefully laid plans are going to come to naught! You're going to pay for every single murder you've committed in gold and blood and God is gonna' sweep you away even as he did the philistine till your memory is no more! You have oppressed the sons and daughters of Abraham enough and now God will have his revenge on you! Eat drink sleep and be merry; for tomorrow YOU DIE!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

los angeles police MURDER ANOTHER UNARMED BLACK MAN!! white media TRY AN JUSTIFY IT!

So the infamous murder squad known as the lapd has murdered someone black again. This time a homeless black man. Already six cops jumped on this man, they have yet to cxplain why they had targeted him in the first place, and in the video a cop yelled 'he's reaching for my gun' but there was no indication that that was the case, and the man was shot four times! Now these highly trained disciplined officers can't take down a single UNARMED man six officers to one without him getting killed?!!? This was murder plain and simple! Of course the lapd got up to whitewash the incident and little can be expected of them being they claim an Asian woman stripped herself naked tied herself up and hung herself from the rafters of her white boyfriend's home after his son fell down the stairs and broke his neck and he blamed her! Yes this same police department claimed it was SUICIDE! What kills me is that white people accepted this bullshit without question and nothing more has been said about it! So we know what to expect from them even though the murder was caught on film! They are basically showing us that we have NO EXPECTATION of justice NO MATTER WHAT!! That they intend to murder us in the streets and no officer or other will go to jail AS LONG AS THE VICTIM ISN'T white! That's clearly what they're saying for this just keeps going on! Now we've tried non-violent protest and it hasn't worked! Notice how the NAACP is notably absent while our people are murdered in the streets! Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are looking for money and how they can profit from our suffering and no one else has stepped up to call for action! Why we're not supposed to care because the man was homeless? Every BLACK LIFE is PRECIOUS and this poor man will be avenged too! Now let me lay it out for you; the white establishment is dead!

God has turned his face against you for your hypocrisy, your murdering, your double dealing for your disrespcct and for your REFUSAL to deliver JUSTICE and it's in your power to do so! Our Lord has turned on you and you will be taken down even as the philistine were with no memory of you left! And it won't just be here in the United States it will be WORLDWIDE! Our Lord has had enough of your lies and deceit and evil machinations and especially your oppression of the sons and daughters of Abraham! You make a mockery of justice and declare yourselves gods because of your technology and your orders of assassins mi6 cia french secret service black ops and other paid murderers nypd lapd and other! But you will find out and SOON there is but ONE GOD and HIS WORD is the LAST WORD in ALL THINGS! You will be laid so low that the world will walk on your graves daily totally oblivious that once you wielded worldwide power! You will be a distant memory to your children and like a fairy tale to your grandchildren as the Lord restores ORDER and BALANCE to the world by your TOTAL and COMPLETE DESTRUCTION! You amuse yourselves that the world cannot carry on without you when in truth THE WORLD WILL BE A BETTER PLACE WITHOUT YOU! You have crossed swords with the Lord and pit your power against HIS with your constant murders of HIS people? Watch as everything you've lied so hard to steal slips from your fingers until your lifeforce is the last to go! God will be avenged against you for you do these things not to us; BUT UNTO THE LORD!