Friday, March 13, 2015

Ferguson Cops Shot; Same Set UP As nypd; Only They Refuse to Kill whiteboy cops!

Okay, I've been looking at this crap about the police officers being shot in Ferguson Missouri. Now let me get it straight; I could care less about any white cops gettting shot! Not my concern and I feel they probably had it coming anyway! Then too that's the job they CHOSE! You're dealing with criminals you just might get shot! If you're a plumber you might get buried in a trench! If you're a teacher you might get killed by a crazy student! If you're a janitor you might get killed by toxic fumes during cleaning! We all got our troubles and our risks so a police officer's is no better or worse than anyone else's!

Now to this 'shooting' of the pigs in Ferguson! It just seems funny to me that during a PEACEFUL demonstration where the police were out in FULL FORCE then all of a sudden shots ring out from nowhere and two officers are down! Naturally they can't find the shooter or shooters and we're supposed to be rallying behind these officers! Don't that sound familiar? Like the nypd when they were on the receiving end of hate all of a sudden a 'black' guy murders a hispanic and an asian cop; NOT A whiteboy BUT TWO NON-WHITES WERE KILLED! Now the cops were white that were shot, but NOT KILLED! You know either some brutha (they are implying it was a brutha fer shure) has bad aim (not likely) or this was just another set up to try an turn public opinion against the protesters and try an get people to forget about the fact that a MURDERER was neither indicted fired or tried for his crimes! They just can't kill anyone white  can they or is it they want us to think the white man is so favored by God that even if we try to kill him we can't? That's a load of bull but some of them may be stupid enough to believe it! Ain't it something all the trouble they go to to protect just one white man even though they are murderers! They'll do anything under the sun rather than carry out JUSTICE in good faith and truth! Just further proof that it's time for the white establishment to go!

Bruthas' and sistahs know that none of us are responsible for these shootings; rather it's another contrived scheme by the white establishment to try and turn off the heat for the murders of our people they committed and their refusal to prosecute the white men responsible for these crimes and get us to listen to their lies instead of acknowledging the TRUTH that we have SEEN WITH OUR OWN EYES! God is going to punish these hypocrites and asessories to the murders of our bruthas'! Let's not be fooled and let's not turn down the heat! Don't be discouraged dismayed nor dissuaded from continuing to let the world know what cold-blooded murderers these white cops are and how this system has no more legitimacy since they can't be trusted with administering JUSTICE with impartiality and fairness! God is cutting down the white establishment and throwing them on a funeral pyre to burn! Let us know that we will be in power soon and then those who thought they were safe from JUSTICE they will be in for the shock of their lives! God bless all of you and keep you. To the white establishment, God is going to dash you to bits and make you go the way of the philistine! We look forward to it!

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