Saturday, December 5, 2015

All African Americans Delete Your facebook accounts!

Now this is so real; I recently posted a story about the TRUTH ABOUT AIDS being created by a white scientist in America as part of the germ warfare program of the U.S. government and so fb suspended my ability to post anything to my site! Now that's going too far! I didn't write the article and though I knew this all along it was just confirmation of what African people all over the world suspected and knew in their hearts for years! Now the white community is so damned gullible and stupid that they want to believe the bullshit their leaders put out and don't want to believe that they'd do anything to harm the world at large but they fail to realize their leaders make pacts with the devil early on so that they can acquire wealth and power! But eitherway this was too much! I'll  not have some kracker krumbs trying to control me over some stupid social media site that I don't care for and we as a people don't need anyway! mark suckerberg is just one in a long list of white boys who've stolen black innovations and made a fortune while the Blacks make little to nothing and get NO CREDIT for it! For before there was a facebook there was BLACK PLANET! Everything fb is doing now Black Planet did it FIRST!!! Do you hear me; Black Planet did it first! But of course the white media is going to lie to the world AGAIN as they did about Aids and claim that zuckerberg was the genius who created the 'social media' phenom while he was a college student! What sukerberg did while he was a college student is saw other Black students logging onto a private social network called Black Planet and saw how he could possibly make some money for himself if he copied it but turned it into a white version of it! Naturally he didn't want to call it white planet (then again he may have) so he thought of a new name for it! And thus his 'great innovation' was born, yet again stolen from the Black people!  But suckerberg is a whiteboi at heart and is going to defend the status quo since now he benefits from it to the tune of billions! Well it's time to cut this whiteboi down some size coz' he thinks to defend the evil white establishment that has supported him and made him rich beyond his wildest dreams! But the promises of satan are nothing but lies and it's time for this evil white establishment to collapse in on itself! And we can start with facebook for I am looking for everyone black to cancel their accounts and never return to this site again! I'm praying to our God in Jesus name that this will be shut down for it does nothing for the African American community except support a system that is dedicated to stealing from African people, hiding the truth from the world at large, and the continued oppression of African people worldwide! It's time for this to come down for good. In the name of Jesus fb with suckerberg will never bear fruit again!

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