Monday, January 25, 2016

Boycott the Oscars; NOt because of Will and Jada Though?

Bravo! Bravo! What a wonderful performance! Whoever says that Will Smith and his wife Jada Smith aren't wonderful actors and actresses are wrong. Now aunt Viv or janet hubert, no I'm not supporting you nor stacy dash! You two aunt jemima whores need to be shown the bottom of the grand canyon; THE HARD WAY!!!
No you see I say boycott the oscars because they are pulling the wool over the eyes of everyone, white and black! Why you say? Because this whole thing with Jada Smith talking about she's going to boycott the oscars because no  blacks got key nominations, is a sham! She was put up to this by the oscars as part of an orchestrated publicity scam! Read the numbers people. Basically what's happened is that viewership of the oscars telecast has gone down dramatically, and they did this in the hopes of boosting ratings; you know using the race card again. YOu see they get a black actress to get up and make the claims of racism, getting the blacks to go YEAH! and angering the whites! She makes this ridiculous claims something she wouldn't do on her own for fear it would negatively impact her career in hollywood not to mention her husband's and so it gets both sides up in arms! The blacks may watch to see what happens and the whites will watch to show those no-good niggers what time it is coz' they are convinced by liars amongst them that the Blacks complain about nothing all the  time. Yeah, the police is shooting our people dead in the streets, but we complain about nothing! But I digress; the oscar organization are hoping that this elongated publicity stunt will boost ratings for their telecast. Rather than putting up movies that people actually watch and have gone to see, they instead want to resort to these crass and idiotic  schemes to boost ratings. I never watch the oscars myself because I have never felt they were relevant! Who says they know more about what makes a movie good than THE VIEWING PUBLIC! I have never liked any of their choices in over 20 years and probably won't like them now. Besides I know what I like and they nominate movies only that serve to help studios who support them to push the movie and try an create interest in it so people will go and see the boring crap! Like Meryl Streep; she has never made a movie I have liked. I don't think too many people have liked her movies; but she's the academies golden girl and they want to claim anything she does is high quality cinema! Bullshit! I'd rather watch reruns of the Smurfs Saturday morning cartoons. But this is what they do! Well, I let them do what they do for the only awards show that mean anything to me is sometimes the BET film awards and the African American Film Awards. NO the naacp image awards mean nothing to me!

Now I'm not bashing Will and Jada Smith. They were hired to do a job, and like good actors they did their job! It's not their fault that people like me and many others aren't buying it! This is hollywood and we know what goes on here. So while the oscars are on, I'll be out on a book tour anyway.  Good luck Will and Jada and can't wait to meet you again at the party.

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