Thursday, September 22, 2016

andrew zimmerman; in his show driven by food he was in Columbia yet during the whole show you didn't see any blacks; what kind of editing do they do on these shows where in a country populated from top to bottom by people of African descent yet you don't see a one in their final show?!!?

You know I look at a lot of travel shows on tv and one things that I'm noticing that's really pissing me off; in a lot countries where I know the population of people of African descent is quite sizeable how the hell do they manage to turn out a so called travel show that's supposed to give you a 'REAL ' depiction of the country they're showcasing all of the Blacks and other seem to disappear in their final product! One that comes to mind is when this fat nasty cook named andrew zimmerman visited Columbia. Now I know for a fact that you can't throw a rock in Columbia without hitting a black person, yet when he so-called visits Medillin you see no blacks period! IMPOSSIBLE!!!  And this fool isn't the only one for I remember when the news was trying to give Columbia credit for all the drug trade years ago, in their broadcasts you didn't see any blacks in this country either in their broadcasts! And that's impossible if you're giving a tru picture of the country. It's quite simple; they are editing their final product or trying on purpose to make sure they don't get those pictures so that when they are done they have as close to 100% a 'white' product as they can create! It's just incredible that after all this time, after all that we've been through in this country, after the Civil Rights struggles, Malcolm X and Dr. King and changes in the laws, still the white establishment wants to present to this country a picture of the world where Black people and in many cases Asian too are absent, any other non-whites are insignificant, but the only thing important is how many white people are there. I'm getting sick of this bullshit for real. But it's not just this egghead's show; it's practically all of them. It's like Seinfeld, when it was a top-rated show. Here it was they lived in new york, yet you rarely if ever saw any Black people even in the background of this show. Now it was just a make-believe show but the so called 'real' portions of the show depicted a new york with no black people! I wish that were the case, but new york is chock full of Blacks, Asians, Arabs, Hispanic as well as white. It's like they are still trying to sell the idea of a world where only whites dwell. It's way time for this to change; which means when God destroys the white establishment none of them can be allowed near a camera ever again! Coz' we know what they're gonna do if they get the opportunity! So lets make certain we never give them not even 'ONE' ever again! They don't know how to tell the truth!

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