Monday, February 6, 2017

new york city KKKOPS (pigs) grab a young SPECIAL NEEDS Black man to take the blame for the murder of a white woman jogger

Okay, new york city honkie police (pigs) are at it again. They have grabbed a young special needs Black boy to take the blame for the murder of a white female jogger last year. INstead of doing their fucking jobs they do as they always have, grab somebody generally Black to take the fall for a crime they cannot or will not solve. Then too after these pigs murdered Eric Garner they're trying to play the race card to get public opinion  back on their side and new york being full of vocal racist motherfuckers just let them do their thang. NOw every white person in new york isn't racist, but TOO MANY OF THEM ARE AFRAID OF THE RACIST satanist SICKOS AND WON'T STAND UP TO THEM!!!! Now they are setting up an innocent man to go to jail for something he didn't do, just cause he isn't mentally prepared to fight for his 'rights' like someone in normal health would. God curse the nypd and one day soon bring them to justice.

To the mother of this unfortunate woman, you need to calm yourself down. You cannot trust the nypd to do anything right, and they bring you an innocent Black man your so in a hurry to get justice for your daughter you and other stupid whites in new york will believe anything those crooked honkie kkkops tell you. Besides just grabbing somebody to pay for your daughters death be they innocent and 'maybe' guilty ISN'T JUSTICE!!!!  What happened to your daughter was unfortunate and sad, but your desire to see another mother suffer a greater crime by having her son falsely accused and brainwashed by the kkkracker kkkops of the nypd to make this coerced false confession AND UNJUST IMPRISONMENT does nothing for the memory of your daughter and makes you out to be as bad as the scumbag who murdered your daughter! This boy has trouble tying his shoes; so how would he lay in wait to murder your daugher?!!? You cannot trust the nypd as the crime they committed against Eric Garner should have taught you!!!!  Quit being so stupid and demand these racist kkkracker kkops  do their fuckin jobs. A young boy who needs help crossing the street all of a sudden has confessed to a crime he didn't committ and your so damned ignorant and prejudiced you wanna' believe it! You're a mother, listen to this boy's mother. She's telling you what's going on. Blacks don't defend their people when they've done something like this. There are some out there who will, but most won't. We're not like your people defending our people right or wrong. Making up ridiculous excuses for their evil. This woman is not just defending her child, she's telling the truth, something your nypd knows nothing about as well as  they don't know what justice is either. Don't hide yourself from the truth, embrace it. God deals only in truth, unlike the white man. They love lies; the egyptians were white, this country stands for freedom even though the 'founding fathers' were slave owners, the white man is superior even though their list of God-less crimes go back further than 1000 tomes could record. For the nypd has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that they can't be trusted to be school crossing guards much less officers of the law. All they are is a gang of murderers and these scumbags you look to for law and order. They grabbed this boy and did something to him to make him give out this false confession. Besides this is not the kind of crime a Black person would committ; it's a white man's crime and you know it! I know you're upset about your daughter but you can't react to emotion; that's what your kkkracker kkkops are depending on.


Dear Lord, uncover the truth and lay it bare for all to see.

East NY Man Accused Of Murdering Queens Jogger

20-year-old Chanel Lewis, who lives in East NY with his mom, told cops details of his assault on Karina Vetrano, the NYPD said.

East NY Man Accused Of Murdering Queens Jogger

EAST NEW YORK, BROOKLYN — The man charged on Sunday in the murder case of the Queens jogger, East New York resident Chanel Lewis, told the New York Post he murdered Karina Vetrano because he was "angry" with "issues at home."
"I was angry. I had some issues at home. I just lost it. When I saw her, I just hit her and kept hitting her. I hit her and choked her," Lewis, 20, told law enforcement, the New York Post reported.
NYPD Chief of Detectives Robert Boyce said Lewis made "very detailed, incriminating statements" and described "each step of the assault."
For the latest on the murder of Karina Vetrano, and other Brownsville-East NY crime updates, subscribe to East NY-Brownsville Patch.

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Vetrano, 30, was strangled to death on a jog in Howard Beach, Queens on Aug. 2, 2016. Boyce told the press on Sunday that Vetrano's body had Lewis' DNA under her nails, on her back and on her cellphone.
Lewis was charged with second-degree murder and ordered held without bail on Sunday, according to public court records.
This is a developing post, check back for updates.

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