The powers that be is trying to get trump to lead us into a world war that America will lose. They're back with this bullshit about Syria again. Now let me spell it out for you. We were supposed to be in Syria fighting isis (israeli secret intelligence service). Then all of a sudden we're there to help the Syrian 'rebels' who appeared out of nowhere, probably after the cia started working the area, in their 'fight for freedom and democracy' you know that usual line of crap they hit us with when they're doing someething patently illegal! Now as far as any of us could tell the Syrian people had NO PROBLEMS with Assad. Washington all of a sudden had a problem with Assad. Since your so dedicated to 'freedom' and 'justice' and 'democracy' why dont you punish those white kkkops here in 'America' for murdering those innocent unarmed Black men and three Black children! HYPCRITES!!!!! You gotta fly thosands of miles to Syria to show how dedicated you are to 'freedom' and democracy?!!? REALLY?!!? That's why God is gonna' destroy you liars if you push on with this illegal action. OTHER COUNTRIES, A WARNING FROM GOD; DON'T LET THESE LYING FOOLS LEAD YOU INTO THIS TOO OR YOU WILL BE DESTROYED BY GOD TOO!!! UN quit allowing the government here to use you to rubberstamp every lousy thing they decide to do! Stand up for once and tell them to go to hell! They can't nuke everybody besides God is the ultimate power!!! quit being cowards and stand up for the people of the world for once!!! Now what is in Syria that somebody wants, and I'm not talkin' about trump and his henchmen, but the real powers behind trump pushing him into this very absurd and asinine action!!! What do the Syrians have that they want? Can anyone tell me this? Well lemme tell you something; God is sick of you people. If you start a war with Russia in your vain attempts to knock down Syria, you will lose. God is not with you and will not allow it, and if you think your gonna' rain down death and destruction on us here in America and just fade away into the background you can forget it! God has givin' the new king a commission to find you all and bring you back to stand trial for ALL of your crimes! Coz' if you push on ahead with this action, you will bring foreign troops here for the first time since the British!!! And God will make sure you pay for though you try an hide on the moon, the new king will pursue you! Let it go! Save yourselves! You're not invincible; God is! This will be your last warning! And it is not me who threatens you, but the Lord himself! Your day is over! Enjoy your ill gotten gain and abandon this sinful criminal action or you will lose everything and you will not have ne'er enough money to buy yourselves out of the trouble that is coming your way nor enough influence either! So quit while you're ahead! Lemme give you a hint; the king hates you already; with God's sanction destroying you would be his pleasure; so be wise and take this warning seriously. This be God who threatens you not me; with Him as your enemy you haven't a prayer. Be wise now.
the wake of new reporting suggesting that the Trump administration's
decision to target the Syrian government with cruise missiles in early
April was conducted without sufficient evidence and over the objections
of some in the U.S. intelligence community, the White House on Monday
night threatened President Bashar al-Assad's government with further
military action.
In a message that, according to the New York Times, "appeared designed to set the stage for another possible military strike," the White House statement made a claim (though it offered no evidence to support it) that the Syrian military appeared to be planning a chemical attack similar to one that took place in the village of Khan Sheikhoun on April 4. If "another" such attack took place, said the tweeted statement, there would be a "heavy price" for Assad to pay.
According the numerous outlets, Monday night's statement from the White House caught much of the U.S. intelligence community off guard. As the Independent reports, sources from within the U.S. State Department, Pentagon and Central Command said that "they did not know what had prompted the unprecedented threat to the Assad regime."
In his response, Russian President Vladimir Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov on Tuesday morning said that "such threats to Syria's legitimate leaders are unacceptable." Meanwhile, the Syrian government dismissed the allegations as false.
During a congressional hearing on Capitol Hill on Tuesday morning, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said Trump's warning—aimed not just at Syria, but also at Russia and Iran—should be taken as, "If this happens again, we are pointing you on notice."
But in the upper chamber of the Russian Parliament, Konstantin Kosachev, Head of the Federation Council's International Affairs Committee, pushed back by saying the White House claims of a pending chemical attack by Syria smelled more like an orchestrated ruse for a preemptive strike by the U.S. rather than a serious attempt to prevent such an attack.
It could be, said Kosachev, as he made reference to the phony intelligence that led to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, "that the US is trying to hoodwink the global public with another 'test tube containing some white powder' to justify its own acts of aggression." Though stated as plausible, not factual, Kosachev said, "America could... be preparing its own preemptive strike against Syrian troops and play on the issue that has already been promoted globally, and so, any preventive actions will be justified."
Whatever the intelligence or motivations informing the White House, Kosachev added, the threats by Trump should be considered "extremely reprehensible" and "particularly frightening" given the stakes involved. "[The U.S.] can be aware of the upcoming attack and is not trying to prevent it," he said, "but pin the blame for it on the Syrian leader in advance."
The latest developments come amid new reporting showing that previous White House claims about what led to the deaths in Khan Sheikhoun, often treated by officials and the U.S. press as certainties, should be met with much more skepticism, especially given the administration's pattern of making false and misleading statements to the public.
On Sunday, published in the German news outlet Welt, U.S. investigative journalist Seymour Hersh reported that Trump "ignored important intelligence reports" when he ordered the launch of 59 cruise missiles on a Syrian government airbase on April 6, two days after after he saw pictures of people dying, including children, from chemical exposure on April 4.
According to Hersh's reporting, Trump issued the order for the attack "despite having been warned by the U.S. intelligence community that it had found no evidence that the Syrians had used a chemical weapon."
Wag the Dog? Offering No Proof, Trump Threatens New Attacks Against Syria
could be, suggested one Russian lawmaker, that "the US is trying to
hoodwink the global public with another 'test tube containing some white
powder' to justify its own acts of aggression."

Donald J. Trump with some of his closest advisors at Mar-a-Lago on
April 6, 2017 at a top secret briefing on the results of the missile
strike on Shayat Air Base in Syria. (Photo: Picture Alliance/Associated
In a message that, according to the New York Times, "appeared designed to set the stage for another possible military strike," the White House statement made a claim (though it offered no evidence to support it) that the Syrian military appeared to be planning a chemical attack similar to one that took place in the village of Khan Sheikhoun on April 4. If "another" such attack took place, said the tweeted statement, there would be a "heavy price" for Assad to pay.
"Did the Syrians plan the attack on Khan Sheikhoun?
Absolutely. Do we have intercepts to prove it? Absolutely. Did they
plan to use sarin? No. But the president did not say: ‘'We have a
problem and let's look into it.' He wanted to bomb the shit out of
While the White House has yet to present verifiable evidence proving
Syria intentionally targeted its own civilian population with chemical
weapons in Khan Sheikhoun, the Assad government—though it acknowledges
carrying out airstrikes in the town that day—continues to deny it was
behind the horrific deaths. The Russian government, an ally of Assad and
fighting on its behalf against rebel factions and the Islamic State,
has said that a conventional weapon dropped by a Syrian warplane may
have hit depots of chemical agents, chlorine, or fertilizers which
resulted in the toxic gas that killed an estimated 60 people, including
many children.According the numerous outlets, Monday night's statement from the White House caught much of the U.S. intelligence community off guard. As the Independent reports, sources from within the U.S. State Department, Pentagon and Central Command said that "they did not know what had prompted the unprecedented threat to the Assad regime."
In his response, Russian President Vladimir Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov on Tuesday morning said that "such threats to Syria's legitimate leaders are unacceptable." Meanwhile, the Syrian government dismissed the allegations as false.
During a congressional hearing on Capitol Hill on Tuesday morning, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said Trump's warning—aimed not just at Syria, but also at Russia and Iran—should be taken as, "If this happens again, we are pointing you on notice."
But in the upper chamber of the Russian Parliament, Konstantin Kosachev, Head of the Federation Council's International Affairs Committee, pushed back by saying the White House claims of a pending chemical attack by Syria smelled more like an orchestrated ruse for a preemptive strike by the U.S. rather than a serious attempt to prevent such an attack.
It could be, said Kosachev, as he made reference to the phony intelligence that led to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, "that the US is trying to hoodwink the global public with another 'test tube containing some white powder' to justify its own acts of aggression." Though stated as plausible, not factual, Kosachev said, "America could... be preparing its own preemptive strike against Syrian troops and play on the issue that has already been promoted globally, and so, any preventive actions will be justified."
Whatever the intelligence or motivations informing the White House, Kosachev added, the threats by Trump should be considered "extremely reprehensible" and "particularly frightening" given the stakes involved. "[The U.S.] can be aware of the upcoming attack and is not trying to prevent it," he said, "but pin the blame for it on the Syrian leader in advance."
The latest developments come amid new reporting showing that previous White House claims about what led to the deaths in Khan Sheikhoun, often treated by officials and the U.S. press as certainties, should be met with much more skepticism, especially given the administration's pattern of making false and misleading statements to the public.
On Sunday, published in the German news outlet Welt, U.S. investigative journalist Seymour Hersh reported that Trump "ignored important intelligence reports" when he ordered the launch of 59 cruise missiles on a Syrian government airbase on April 6, two days after after he saw pictures of people dying, including children, from chemical exposure on April 4.
According to Hersh's reporting, Trump issued the order for the attack "despite having been warned by the U.S. intelligence community that it had found no evidence that the Syrians had used a chemical weapon."