Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Russia Believes America Shot down Malaysian Airliner

Now my understannding about the Malaysian airliner sabotage was that Rothchild wanted to kill several Chinese ceo's of a company in China that he had invested in so he could take over. Now whetether the cia or mi6 or mossad was tapped to do the dirty work, hard to say, but if America was involved it was in a secondary position. Perhaps they wanted to use this company that Rothchild was part owner of to start some trouble in China. Who knows.

rrent Issues, News

Watch: Russian Citizens Are Convinced America Shot Down Malaysian Plane To Make Russia Look Bad

 If you’re a Russian watching the coverage of the Malaysia Airlines flight that was shot down in the Ukraine, there’s a good chance that you’ve been told America and the Ukrainian government did it.
International consensus (excluding Russia, of course) is that the perpetrators were pro-Russian Ukrainian separatists who fired a surface-to-air missile to take down what they had assumed was a Ukrainian military cargo plane. There is a lot of support behind this claim. The rebels were known to be operating in the area. Leaked (and reportedly verified) phone conversations between rebel commanders and Russian intelligence agents have them verbally acknowledging that they were involved. A tweet sent out and hastily deleted from the rebels’ twitter account bragged about shooting down a plane just moments after Malaysia Airlines lost contact with the plane. It all adds up to a pretty damning case. That is of course, unless you watch Russian news.
Russia’s official narrative is that they had nothing to do with it. The rebels – if they did shoot it down – weren’t under Russian command, and most likely it was a conspiracy by the Ukrainian government to drum up international support for Ukraine’s fight against Russia.
To see if Russian citizens are buying any of that, Radio Free Europe took to the streets of Moscow to ask ordinary people what they think happened. Let’s take a look at some of their theories:
  1. The Ukrainian government did it – but accidentally. This theory is predicated on the idea that Vladimir Putin was flying over Ukraine in a similar plane at the same time and near the same location that the Malaysian plane was and the Ukrainian government, in an effort to kill Putin, shot down the wrong one. It’s extremely unlikely that Putin’s plane was anywhere near the Ukraine at the time. When you are attempting to aggressively annex a portion of a neighboring country, as a rule, you don’t fly your leader’s jumbo jet over the war zone. Still, this conspiracy theory comes up again and again with the interviewees and has been touted many times on Russian news outlets.
  2. The Ukrainian government did it – intentionally. This theory suggests that shooting down the airliner was meant to be a false flag operation. The nearly 300 people killed were just collateral damage in a sinister plot by the Ukrainian government to smear Russia as murderers. Again, this is highly unlikely given what the evidence suggests, but it is enticing for Russians to believe because it absolves Russia from any wrongdoing and paints the Ukrainian government as monsters.
  3. Theories 1 and 2, but with American involvement. One woman suggests that the Americans were probably behind the murders to help Ukraine. When the interviewer points out (incorrectly) that 25 Americans were believed to be on board (only one American victim has been identified), the woman counters that insight by explaining that “Americans are so cruel they’re prepared to sacrifice their own people.” Ouch.
  4. America and Ukraine knew the plane was going to be shot down before it happened. The thinking goes that America was too quick to lay the blame at the feet of pro-Russian rebels and the evidence was arranged in advance. Again, this was meant to hurt Russian credibility with the international community.
  5. A Ukrainian fighter jet was seen shooting down the plane. According to one interviewee, state-sponsored news network Channel One suggested that the Ukrainian military actually flew a jet towards the passenger plane and brought it down. The suggestion is so fantastical that even the people being interviewed roll their eyes at the idea of it.
But before we despair completely, there is this guy. This anonymous bearded hero isn’t having any of it. When asked whether he believes what the media is telling him, he scoffs.
But before we mock the Russians for their ignorance, let’s remind ourselves that America’s media is also pretty dismal, as well. After all, a recent analysis did reveal that Fox News (to take a totally nonrandom example) could be said to be telling the truth just 8% of the time.
In the end, we should all strive to be as incredulous as anonymous bearded guy. It really is impossible to listen to them, and especially in Russia.


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