This Adrian Peterson controversy is as ridiculous as it gets! They're gonna' interfere with a man correcting his child, something they wouldn't have done if this man was white! It's time for this nonsense to end! The white establishment have violated the sacred duty to administer justice fairly and equitably! Now they challenge people to disobey God Himself in favor of laws they arbitrarily enforce when they want to or not. They use the law as an excuse for oppression when the person before them is black and forget about it when they're dealing with someone white! ENOUGH! It is time for the idea, the myth, the LIE of white supremacy to end! But we've to understand as a people that the white man is NOT a god! his power comes from ABOVE like everyone else's and He'll do for us just as He's done for them! Every institution the white man God is over it! EVERY ONE OF THEM! Including the NFL. This man Adrian Peterson is standing up to these wolves (notice I didn't say men) who want to lynch him publicly and personally and they're using every institution THEY THINK they are in charge of! The government, the media, the NFL brassf! They're gonna' find out soon enough that God is in control. The media described when the man used a SWITCH on his boy as a 'treebranch'! Like they don't know what a damn switch is! They're playing these insulting games acting like they don't have COMMON SENSE is going to end very badly for them! And it's already started! You're like the philistine of old who continually harassed and harangued our people long ago! God promised he would wipe the very memory of them away from the earth and now a once great empire is relegated in memory only to the passages in the Bible! That's a warning for those of you who continue with your lies and oppression of the sons and daughters of Abraham! And I'm not talking about those WHITES whose religion is judaism! They ARE NOT the TRUE sons and daughters of ABRAHAM! WE ARE! Your less than Godly ways are gonna earn you a place on that list with the philistine for your racism and abuse of authority and challenges against God and His people is before Him now and mock if you like but you're on the road to absolute destruction! This is your last warning lest you go the way of the philistine, for your days are ending even now! Accept your fate for your struggle is not against the African American community, but against THE LORD HIMSELF; and you've already lost!
Adrian my brother put your trust in God, not in men! God will see you back on that gridiron doing what you do best!
Adrian my brother put your trust in God, not in men! God will see you back on that gridiron doing what you do best!
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