Now it just trips me out ! access hollywood that celebrity news show does a segment about Michael Jackson and the first thing they talk about is the child molestation charges he WAS ACQUITTED OF!!! Why would you bring this up when there was no conviction in this?!!? No matter what kind of story they do on Michael Jackson the first thing they bring up is these false accusations! That's why the white press is racist and satanic and worthless! They don't seek out Robert Blake to ask him about how he was accused of muredering his last wife, a crime he was probably guilty of but was acquitted of! They simply don't do a story on Robert Blake period so that they don't even have to go there!!! Same thing with Ben Roethlesberger quarterback for the Pittsburgh Steelers! He was accused of rape, but since he is a white man and a star quarterback, the judge threw out the charges! And Ben Roethlesberger may have been guilty! Whenever they do a story on Ben Roethlesberger, that issue never comes up! They don't do many, but when they do his former charges never precede any story about him! In fact the only people this happens to is black celebrities! Before anything else is said, they bring up past and present negative allegations against anyone black, then they go on to the story! Then throughout the interview the person is constantly peppered with questions about the false allegations! Now tomorrow they're bringin on that uncle tom sac'o shit darden who helped to prosecute O.J. Simpson in those false murder charges the l.a. pig department put on poor O.J. in their satanic attempts to frame him for a murder that he DIDN'T COMMITT! I'm sick of these honkies and their racist bullshit! That's why I'm encouraging all to boycott access hollywood! Let's get this stinkin' racist loathesome show off the air! Lets send a clear message to the white establishment that we're sick and tired of them persecuting our people for crimes they did not committt, were found innocent of and that are no longer news! Let's let the airwaves go dead and go after the sponsors for having racist shows on like this access hollywood! Remember, you do have power for every commercial that comes on during this show is paying for this show to be on the air! Lets boycott this show and go after these sponsors, for millions of black people not buying their products will put a significant dent in their bottomline! They NEED us to keep their companies afloat so lets show them how sick and tired we are of this racist bullshit by boycotting this stupid stinkin' racist show and any others like it, and boycotting the products and companies that support these racist kkk shows! Enough is enough!! It's time we show these racist motherfuckers we mean business! Lets hit'em where it hurts; THEIR BANK ACCOUNTS!
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