Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Brock Turner's Victim; Why Were You Out Alone Drunk?!!?

You know I don't want to do  this  but I'm sick and tired of them currying all this sympathy for this white woman who was irresponsible in her behavior, not a reason to rape her, but something that needs to be addressed. Women have found themselves victims often for making brutal mistakes of abject irresponsibility, and dead! So I'm not crying crocodile tears for this bitch for no one cried for that poor black woman in South Carolina who was raped by the DUKE LACROSSE TEAM! This bitch only had one assailant and she was out alone drinkin' amongst strangers! She doesn't deserve to be raped  but with that resume she was askin' for trouble! I know all that bullshit about a woman should be able to this and that and all that malarchy, but women are especially targeted by criminals, crimelords, and socieopathic  fools like this dude and you have to be mindful that you're no match for a man all by your lonesome. She should have been with her boyfriend, her friends, and SHE SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN OUT DRINKING! So honey I don't look at you as a victim but as a fool who tried your luck and lost out! Next time you're gonna' find yourself in a situation and you'll be dead coz' the next assailant won't take chances that you'll come back with the police! So quit crying your crocodile tears for you shouldn't have been there in the first place, and though that boy raped you, YOU put yourself in a position where it could and possibly would happen! NO this boy should not have gotten off with only a six month sentence, but  baby you got more justice that that poor black woman in South Carolina did who's in jail now while all the white boys who raped her are running around free and the prosecutor who did the right thing and prosecuted them LOST HIS JOB! The Rapists are free the victim is in jail and the prosecutor lost his job! The only reason they're making a big deal out of your situation IS BECAUSE YOU'RE white!!!! And I ain't diggin' it! God is showing you exactly what a bunch of hypocritical vermin you are how you're gonna' make such a victim out of this lone white girl who was attacked by one assailant and speak nothing of the black woman who was attacked by a WHOLE TEAM OF WHITE DEVILS! So save your tears and don't go out drinking, especially by yourself, and quit trying to get the world and every other stupid white female to stick up for you for you are as much to blame for your situation as that boy was!


NOtice how the white press has dropped this story and are focused on the bullshit in florida now. They don't want to talk about those whiteboys who raped that black girl in south carolina from the Duke lacrosse team! Thought we had forgotten about that didn't they! This is the internet age fools; NOTHING is EVER forgotten anymore!!!


BLACK WOMEN! Notice how they take action for this whitegirl in the name of women's rights yet none of them have mentioned the murders of Sandra Bland or Symone Nicole Marsall by texas cops (pigs) or Barbara Dawson in florida nor the girl in south carolina that was raped by the Duke University lacrosse team a few years  back! Notice how whenever they demand proper treatment for women it's never for Black women, hispanic women, Asian women (unless they are in a country where the cia is trying to undermine the stability of their government! Then they wanna' talk about women's rights and all that shit, something they don't practice here!) but YOU'RE NOT INCLUDED! Look at this racist system for what it is and know they are not representing your interests but only the interests of the white female!

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