Saturday, March 18, 2017

Quit Blaming just Trump; the repugnican party has been trying to deprive all Americans of health benefit long before Trump came on the scene! It's them not him!

You know the word I get is that Trump has cut medicaid. Funny how the news media isn't reporting on it. I have only heard about it through second hand sources and it's really strange how this happened so fast. But if this is true don't blame trump, blame the repugnican party and their supporters. They have proven over the yearws that they don't care about the poor, the handicapped, the elderly, or American citizens in general. All the care about is doing what their rich patrons want and it's time to show them that the rich are the minority in this country and we are the majority. It's time to meet them face to face with bricks, bats, torches,  confront them on the streets, in restaurants and anyplace else. Since we don't matter to them, lets make their stay in our country as uncomfortable as possible.  And those rich who thinks it's not right for us the Taxpayers to have some our OUR tax money to go to help us even though they avoid paying their fair share of taxes, let us boycott their businesses and not spend anymore of our money with them and lets confront them in the streets too. If they want to leave the country then, let them, but lets not make their stay here comfortable nor friendly since they show us continually that they think of us as peasants to be pissed on at their pleasure. The curse of God is upon you and God is going to take everything you have away since you obviously serve no one but satan.

Now Trump is the face of evil, representing the repugnican party! He's not innocent but not the only villain in this plot against Americans! God is good for indeed this is the beginning of the end of America. Thank God, it's about time.

Trump To Kill Health Care For Millions Of Poor And Disabled People With Medicaid Block Grant

The Trump administration has confirmed as part of their plan to repeal and replace Obamacare they will be cutting for 7.4 million poor, seniors, and disabled Americans by converting Medicaid into a block grant program.
Trump To Kill Health Care For Millions Of Poor And Disabled People With Medicaid Block Grant
The Trump administration has confirmed as part of their plan to repeal and replace Obamacare they will be cutting for 7.4 million poor, seniors, and disabled Americans by converting Medicaid into a block grant program.
Kellyanne Conway tried to sell the block grants as a good thing, “Those who are closest to the people in need will be administering it. You really cut out the fraud, waste and abuse, and you get the help directly to them.”
Block grants do give more power to the states, but they also cap what federal government spends, and will allow many to provide the bare minimum of health care coverage for nation’s most vulnerable citizens.
Rep. Sander Levin (D-MI) explained that the Republican block grant argument is a disguise that conservates use to cover up funding cuts, “Medicaid provides vital medical assistance to 74 million people nationwide, including more than 2.2 million in Michigan – covering nursing care for seniors, community-based services for Americans living with disabilities, and everything from immunizations to critical care for low-income children and families. History tells us that turning this program into a block grant, under the guise of increasing state flexibility, is just another way to cut Medicaid’s funding. This not only threatens states like Michigan that have increased Medicaid coverage under the Affordable Care Act, but it also jeopardizes the entire program’s long-time support for vulnerable populations. We cannot allow this assault on our values to prevail.”
The consequences of the Medicaid program being turned into a block grant is that some people will lose their healthcare, while others will have less health care.
A 2014 Center for Budget and Policy Priorities report on the Ryan Medicaid block grant plan concluded funding would be cut by 26%. A 2012 Urban Institute study of block granting Medicaid found that states would drop 14.3 million to 20.5 million people from Medicaid by the tenth year of the block grant. This number does not include the millions who lose their health insurance when the ACA is repealed, and the Medicaid expansion is gone.


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