Sunday, May 21, 2017

police chief in ohio killed;God's Vengeance against ohio kkkops for the murders of 2 Black kids and three other Black men and refused to press charges because the muredererers were white kkkops; God is paying you back for these murders!!!!

How many times have I told you white fools that the innocent will pay for the crimes of the guilty! Do you think you're maintaining your power by allowing your white kkkops to murder my people? Have you forgotten that there is God in Heaven who sees everything you do? You  are cutting your own throat fce against other people and especially God's justice against other people and especially God's Own people! Those honkies who call themselves jews are not God's people and you know this! We Are! Don't you know you can't get into the Kingdom of Heaven by climbing over the fence????  What you think God won't notice all these pale faces claiming to be his chosen people? You think He forgot or something? Unless you bring those murderers to justice, God has put a curse on you and this is only the beginning. NOw this poor man committed no murders to my knowledge but he DIDN'T STAND UP FOR JUSTICE EITHER!! God is getting ready to strip the white establishment bare for the WHOLE WORLD to see and there will be justice but your crimes will be paid in full only with BLOOD!  Don't bother going to your religious leaders for they have been lying to you and God is sick of them and their insincerity and devotion to an ignorant ideaological fantasy called whiteboi supremacy!  You are not right with God with your hatred, racism, an hearts full of injustice celebrating it and supporting it. These things you believe in so reverently the constitution, and all that malarchi is not of Christ nor does it glorify God. You wanna wave the flag and talk about how proud you are to be an American and stand by while your kkkops kkkommitt murders and your unjust court systems sanction it. Is this what your proud of?!!? Well God isn't pleased and He is not with America as long as you're doing all of these unGodly things! What you think you're gods now can change the rules of right and wrong?!!? Well the Real God is here now and He's not pleased like you are with your evil accomplishments!!! So wave your flags and sing lee greenwood's 'God Bless the usa' coz he will not!!!  God is going to Destroy you and now you will know why. Those of you who say we did stand up for justice (you and only you) stand on your faith, for the just shall live by faith, for God is getting ready to destroy your other brethren soon if they don't make some quick changes; number one get those murderers and give justice to the victims they celebrate. So you can celebrate the deaths of your kkkops all you want, for their deaths were God Approved and more are coming for these evil vermin! Don't you get it you fools, GOD HAS TURNED AGAINST YOU!  You think I want to warn you; no I want you to burn! But God put this on my heart and I shall not be like Jona in the belly of the fish. Your crimes have come before the Lord and you're getting ready to pay; BIG TIME!!!! ALL OF YOU!!!!!

Police chief killed, another three dead in shooting at Ohio nursing home


An Ohio police chief was killed while responding to a shooting at a nursing home that left three others dead, according to police.
Kirkersville Police Chief Steven Eric Disario, 36, was identified as the officer ambushed while responding to reports of a gunman at the nursing home, located about 25 miles east of Columbus. When deputies arrived they discovered the father of six wounded, in the street, Licking County Sheriff Randy Thorp said during a press conference.
The gunman was among the dead discovered inside Pine Kirk Care Center in Kirkersville. Two staff members of the facility were also killed in the shooting, but no residents were injured, Thorp said.

Didn't want to print much of this stupid story for the important thing to remember is that God is paying you back for the crimes you have committed against His people with your insufferable racism by these evil kkkops! More deaths will come for these sons of satan as they continue to kkkommitt kkkrimes they feel the system here will allow them to get away with against the African(Hebrew) American community!!!! As God has constantly put upon my heart to tell you; the innocent will pay for the crimes of the guilty! God commands you to arrest those murderous kkkops and do unto them PROPER justice not what you want coz' that's not justice or you will lose ALL of your power period!!!! Ignore this anointed one of the Lord if you want; last chance!!!!!!

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