Tuesday, May 9, 2017

See How the news isn't reporting on the repugnicans taking your healthcare? The repugnicans have too much media influence. They want you to calm down so the senate can run it through! Watch; they're gonna' have a 'late' session one night to pass 'other' bills then run it through while you sleep!

 The U.S. senate ain't fooling nobody. They want everybody to calm down before they finish taking your healthcare coverage. Yes they will have one of their 'late' nights then run it through while you sleep. Now who in the hell could be a supporter of the repugnicans after this? Only fools! These repugnican dogs don't care about us. They only care about their rich sponsors. They both need to remember they get their money from US! Somebody knows the ceo's who are behind this; let us know who they are so we can boycott their businesses and confront them in the streets!
Another thing the rich have too much control over the press. They bought up the newspapers and tv stations and now these people work for them and ain't gonna' say nothing against them whether they are right or wrong. Something needs to be done about that. They should not be allowed to own any newspapers, tv stations, or radio stations. Their influence is too unfair to allow them into any of these arenas. When God crowns the king, it will not be allowed. They should feel blessed to be rich and not look for power that gives them an unfair advantage over everyone else. Too much going wrong in this country and we gotta stand up and fight this. Corporate law also will be banned, for a person only needs a lawyer to make certain they are following the law or if they are accused of breaking the law. Not to find loopholes in the law they can exploit to their own advantage. So be advised, this is not going to continue.

Now to get people's attention in another direction trump just fired the fbi director today. Nice try, but he probably still can afford his healthcare. We can't thanks to you repugnican dogs!

Now they're attacking late night for making repugnican jokes. Can't stand to be called the lowdown crooks and thieves you are can you. Here's a thought, do the right thing for once, or drop out of the repugnican party! Soon they're gonna' try an make it illegal to tell the truth about their low down asses. Hollywood is supposedly liberal eh? Tell that to freddi prinze, arnold schwarzenegger, bruce willis, gary sinise, and others in hollywood!
Now the collapse of a tunnel at a nuclear site. Want to distract you badly don't they!

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