Thursday, December 18, 2014

The Interview vs. Bill Cosby; Dichotomy of the Hypocrisy of the white establishment in America

You know I find it ironic this whole situation. Here it is the movie The Interview a movie about killing the leader of North Korea the computer hacking attacks has revealed to us things we already knew but we don't have to guess anymore. But eitherway it's being SAID that North Korea is behind these cyber attacks. I don't know if that's true or not for my experience with the American media is they're always serving the purpose of the establishment and they may want to get something started with N. Korea again or have some other nefarious plan afoot so I won't say N. Korea is responsible for these cyber 'terror' attacks. Eitherway now the internet is abuzz with all this yang about 'freedom of speech' and the 'terrorists' have won and all that shit! This bullshit about 'freedom of expression' is in danger. Very famous hollywood stars chimed in about this and were angry that movie houses wouldn't air the movie. Rob Lowe, Jerry Seinfeld, Steve Carell, Ben Stiller, and other movie stars made their opinion known on this subject and it was this pseudo patriotic bullshit. It's funny not a one of them have spoken up about the public lynching of Bill Cosby. No mention of his plight period and these charges they know are bullshit. Why is Bill Cosby being oppressed? Because of his freedom of expression!

The real reason behind this attack on Bill Cosby is because he has set up a business arrangement with some of the richest black people in America to create a huge film distribution conglomerate that would encompass tv, feature films, and dvd sales. It would put the African American community in a position to finally CONTROL how we are viewed in film and depicted worldwide. Evidently some fascist white AMERICANS don't like this at all! It's probably the same sonsofbitches who murdered his son when he was trying to purchase CBS! Yes I know the lies that the media told about some russian gangsta' boy being arrested for the crime but the real reason Ennis Cosby is no longer with us is because his father was trying to exercise his CREATIVE and FISCAL freedom to buy something he wanted and the white establishment decided to take drastic action and murder his son! Now they're trying to ruin his reputation and keep him tied up in expensive litigation for years to come. God is going to reveal the puppeteers pulling the strings and they're in for a surprise. But I find it truly amusing that whites always want to talk about freedom of expression and America stands for freedom for ALL Americans but what they truly mean it seems to me is freedom of expression for white men and white men ALONE! Not a single one of these purveyors of freedom have spoken up for Bill Cosby but when THEIR freedom is restricted they're ready to fight! Well you're in for a treat for this is only the beginning of 'restrictions' being put on 'your' freedoms.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

beverly johnson; Hollywood Escort and Liar! Bill Cosby Adds Another To his List of Conspirators! Boycott vanity fair magazine for printing her lies in their expose this month and those who know send us her list of clients she services with her pleasures!

I have something to say to beverly johnson; you're a liar! I'd like to know who's paying you to come forward with these pack of lies you're trying to pawn off as the truth! What did they promise you; more work in Hollywood or did they pay you cash! Your story leaks from every side up stinks like shit! And your claim that because you met Camille Cosby that you didn't want to come forward! I'm sure you've met many of the wives of the men you've slept with in your 'uncercover' career as an escort! It's well known here in Hollywood that your 'services' are available to the highest bidder that being mostly rich white fucks who can spend $10, 000 or more on a night of pleasure! So who's paying you to do this snow job on the American public? How much are they paying you to sully the good name of Dr. Cosby? What you mad you didn't get a tip after your 'date' with him? Or are you in trouble and someone promised to bail you out? I'm not gonna' bother working on your conscience for most whores have no conscience! All they care about is getting paid and it didn't bother you one bit to get on tv and promote these lies like that other loser angie dickinson whose own memoir contradicted her lies did! Both of you your careers washed up long ago and the only way to stay relevant is to bash another black man! What a day it will be when you pay for being a party to this massive smear job for your undercover 'career' will be exposed and everyone will know what we all know here in Hollywood; a check with at least five figures buys you a date with beverly johnson!


God's curse is upon you woman! Your only way out is to repent and beg our Lord's forgiveness and to go to Bill Cosby and ask his forgiveness and make a public confession and tell who set you up to lie on Mr. Cosby! Otherwise God's curse will bear down upon you heavy for false testimony against your neighbor!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Bill Cosby and the United States navy; The Most Racist Branch of America's Military Service, the navy, Revokes Bill Cosby's Honor! Talk About Indian Givers!

You know it doesn't surprise me that in this latest episode of bashing Dr. Bill Cosby that the navy of the United States Military Service should weigh in with their ten cents. Already noted as the most racist of our military services with the marines coming in a close second it is just astounding how quickly they revoke an honor they probably didn't want to give him anyway claiming that it's not in line with their 'core' values! Core values?!? What core values?!? Values are generally a considered to be a Good thing, but I guess the navy doesn't know what the meaning of good is! Here are their 'core' values; racism; they practice racism like nobody's business; white supremacy; they believe that the white man is god of this earth and on this earth; injustice; their mission is to railroad every black they can into lengthy jail sentences; kangaroo courts; the idea that someone could actually get justice in their tricked out kangaroo courts is anathema to the navy ass I mean brass; oppression; oppressing black people within the ranks on the boats on the ships on the bases everywhere they can is their #1 mission in this life;lying; the ranks of the navy with their redneck establishment is dedicated to lying lying and lying especially on black people anytime they can everywhere they can and just because they can! They are the most despicable of our military services and were in not for the love of God, literally, this country would seriously be in trouble for the brass in this worthless branch of our services have declared that the true enemy of America is the Black Man and miscegenation should be fought all the way down to hell where they will eventually end up! The upper brass have too much time on their hands for they spend all of their time trying to find ways to oppress the African Americans within their ranks that they couldn't be defending us adequately! I have nothing but contempt for this service and truthfully there needs to be a Stalin-isque purge of this service for these old fat RATS have been there too long and need to go! Bill Cosby, it is no honor to receive an award from an organization THAT HAS NO HONOR! You were done a favor for until the navy is PURGED of its inefficient worthless racist redneck p.o.s. RATS, any honor they bestow has the taint of corruption and the stink that would make a skunk run for cover!

The curse of God be upon you US navy. You had no right to judge Bill Cosby even as you deliver injustice and try an justify it! You're responsible for the prosecution and conviction of an innocent man and for that the curse of God be upon all those members responsible and upon the whole organization for it until you make amends! My Lord will direct you on how but all of you innocent and guilty alike will suffer until you properly recompense that person and give an open PUBLIC apology for your sinful actions against that person and Bill Cosby who served with honor and distinction and deserved his award that you had no right to take away!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Prayer Warriors

We are christian warriors petitionining the LORD through prayer for the demise of the satanic systems devised by the evil ideals of white supremacy! We want this institution brought down never to rise again even as the philistine empire God laid it low such that there is no record in history that they even existed save the Bible! After the murders of 11 black people with all them resulting in no charges filed against police officers who committed the murders and many of them still have their jobs, we realize that the system is our enemy because these people couldn't get away with these crimes if it weren't for a system built around the idea that white people are gods and have special privileges other 'mere mortals' shouldn't have! Our fight is not with the people of european descent though; our fight is with the SYSTEM that makes it possible for people like darren wilson to get away with MURDER! And not just here in America either for foreign interlopers have interfered in the business of various countries in AFrica for far too long! They keep civil war going and civil strife! They stifle our economic development and keep it from deveoping, murder our leaders and plant inefficient greedy bloodthirsty traitors in their place! They've used a combination of spy organization; mi6, cia, french secret service, mossad, and others to committ various acts of sabotage, they support mercenary armies that cause insurrections, blow up power plants, destroy crops and buildings, and exploit our people for their economic gain! ENOUGH! This job is too big for us for we'll be at war with them for years trying to get them off our backs with much blood spewed in the process especially of the innocent! If that's the way it has to be then SO BE IT, but God is mighty enough wipe them away even as one swipes away a gnat! We don't seek the destruction of the european people, that's God's decision to make. But we do seek the destruction of their power for we have suffered under their yoke FOR  FAR TOO LONG!! We are the sons and daughters of Abraham and we still have a covenant with our Lord! We've had it with trying to work with the white establishment for they cannot be reasoned with or dealt with! All we need now is their ABSOLUTE DESTRUCTION so that America and AFrica and other nations that have suffered under the yoke of this satanic philosophy can be free to discover how far they can go and be all they can be without interference in their affairs! See how India has done with the exit of the british government! See how well China has done and Japan after kicking out the white establishment! We can only surmise that we will enjoy a freedom, a prosperity, a joy in life once our enemies ARE TOTALLY DESTROYED!! We thank our Lord for delivering our enemies into our hands without having to fire a shot and that never again shall the evil spectre of the satanic doctrine of 'white supremacy' darken our door! How God does it is of course his affair, but we want white supremacy to go the way of the philistine; wiped away from existence never to return nor be remembered! We thank You Lord for this for YOU ARE ABLE and thus WE are able! Thank you Jesus! Thank you!

Prayer Warriors; The White Establishment Must Go!

It is time for the white establishment to go! We are here to thank God that the white establishment has gone the way of the philistine! After Michael Brown and the release of darren wilson enough is enough! We've suffered under the cruel yoke of oppression from the white establishment long enough! It's time to do something! Just as Ghandi told the british to leave India and was able to do so through sheer force of will, with God's help we can destroy the power of the white establishment and fix it so they can no longer be a threat to our advancement anymore! We're through pleading with the white establishment to 'play fair'; the only thing we need now is their ABSOLUTE DESTRUCTION! No we're not asking for the destruction of european people, that is for God to decide, but the destruction of the POWER and SYSTEMS they use to oppress us in Africa as well as here in America! If God chooses to destroy them completely like the philistine that is His Affair! What we're praising God for is the destruction of every institution and bastion of power they have to be destroyed so that they will never threaten African people again! We are the sons and daughters of Abraham; we still have a covenant with the Lord! It is time for us to be set free and power put back in our hands so that we can start to right these many many many wrongs! By God's Good Grace, we thank our Lord that the white establishment has gone the way of the philistine!

We ask that all Africans, African Americans, Asians, native Americans, Indians, Arabs, and others who have suffered under the cruel and satanic yoke of white supremacy join with us in this prayer;

Dear Lord, we thank You for this day. We come to you though in unison with a prayer and hope for the future of the world. And Lord in Jesus name we ask you for the total and complete destruction of the white establishment WORLDWIDE! We do not pray for the destruction of white people Lord, we leave that up to you; but we do pray for the destruction of their power; for they only use it for evil purposes and the oppression of all non=whites of the world and we are weary of them Lord! We pray for the release of Israel back into the hands of the TRUE sons and daughters of Abraham and the expulision of these white fakers who have occupied our land and tried to steal our legacy and our birthright as well as the dragging into the dirt of all those who support and propegate white supremacy until they are no more even as the evil philistine are no more! This we pray our Lord in the name of your Son Jesus Christ; amen

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Bill Cosby Finally Speaks; Through His Lawyers!

Okay for those of you out there who wanted Bill Cosby to say something here it is! He's answering these false charges the best way false charges could be answered; THROUGH HIS ATTORNEYS! Here's what he said:

“The new, never-before-heard claims from women who have come forward in the past two weeks with unsubstantiated, fantastical stories about things they say occurred 30, 40, or even 50 years ago have escalated far past the point of absurdity.
These brand new claims about alleged decades-old events are becoming increasingly ridiculous, and it is completely illogical that so many people would have said nothing, done nothing, and made no reports to law enforcement or asserted civil claims if they thought they had been assaulted over a span of so many years.
Lawsuits are filed against people in the public eye every day. There has never been a shortage of lawyers willing to represent people with claims against rich, powerful men, so it makes no sense that not one of these new women who just came forward for the first time now ever asserted a legal claim back at the time they allege they had been sexually assaulted.
This situation is an unprecedented example of the media’s breakneck rush to run stories without any corroboration or adherence to traditional journalistic standards. Over and over again, we have refuted these new unsubstantiated stories with documentary evidence, only to have a new uncorroborated story crop up out of the woodwork. When will it end?
It is long past time for this media vilification of Mr. Cosby to stop.”

Friday, November 21, 2014

Lou Ferrigno's Wife, Bunny Carla Ferrigno, You Know The Wife Lou Caught In Bed With HIS BROTHER! Now One of Cosby's False Accusers!

You know it's funny how this bunny carla ferrigno has 'decided t cum forward' with this fantastic magical tale of how she was 'almost' a 'victim' of Bill Cosby. Our Lord is going to have a field day with these false accusers coz' their lives are not going to come to much after agreeing to be a part of this sordid operation. I'll be glad when the rats responsible are flushed out coz' if they think they're gonna' stay safely behind the scenes well it is written in the Bible 'what is done in the dark shall be brought to the light for everyone to see!' You think your 'power' is greater than God's; keep on thinking that! But eitherway back to bunny carla ferrigno.

Now while she's out sharing this fantasy in the world and jumping on the bandwagon of Cosby's false accusers, did she bother to tell you that she was caught by her husband Lou Ferrigno in bed with his BROTHER? He was going to divorce her and it was a big stink for a while. For some reason though Ferrigno took this woman back and it shows what a big guy he is. Unlike the slut she is! To bed down a man's brother now that's really sinking low! Likely she had a consentual sexual encounter with Bill Cosby and now is turning it around and screaming rape! Cosby doesn't want to talk about it coz' he knows he's been around Hollywood LIKE MANY MANY MANY STARS HAVE BEEN AND ARE and he doesn't want to upset his wife especially about the affairs his wife DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT! True to form you can trust certain white men as long as you have a gun to their head, they are taking these consentual encounters and turning them into a sordid accusation for a reason I spelled out in another article. It's a shame people get scared when the establishment shows up with their satanic plans and feel they don't want 'no trouble' so they go along with it! Well fear not who can give you 'trouble' and that's all they can do; but rather One who can throw you into hell after He Takes your life! God's power is Greater than these confused ignorant men, so I DO NOT FEAR YOU! YOU'RE NOTHING! SERVANTS OF SATAN! That's what you are! Well you will pay and as the truth unfolds all that you've lied so hard to gain, will slowly slip through your fingers until there's nothing left!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Bill Cosby's 13 accusers are 13 LIARS!

You know on that interesting little show called the View, rosie o'donell had the nerve to say that because there are so many accusers of Bill Cosby coming forward that the charges must be true. Well considering rosie odonell is one of the most hateful women in tv these days taking her seriously would be ignorant! She's a fat stupid bulldagger ho' who don't have enough brains to fill the rear end of a gnat! So why was Whoopi afraid to speak her mind? We need to quit being afraid of whites! white people are not gods! God is God and He's the ONLY One we should fear! There is nothing man can do to you if you stand with God! So stand up for Bill Cosby for we should not be fearful of the white establishment and stand idly by while they unjustly crucify OUR PEOPLE! Bill Cosby's 13 accuser are 13 LIARS! And if more of them pop up they will be 13+ LIARS! They pulled the same bullshit on Michael Jackson and he was totally INNOCENT! We need to stick up for our people and make it plain to all white trash p.o.s's that we're not selling our people down the river for a pan of cornbread and that they're not gonna' bad mouth our living legends like the Coz and we sit there and say and do nothing! No one is talking about David Copperfield nor Ben Rothelesberger and there is more compelling evidence that they DID rape their accusers! This 21st century racism, we need to make it plain and clear to the white establishment, WE AIN'T GOIN! We will do what we gotta do but we're not going back to slavery nor jim crow so if they know what's good for them, they need to cease and desist NOW! NOw sue me! Want the .13c now?!!?

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Bill Cosby's Plan for Huge Black Distribution Film Conglomerate is Motive Behind Alleged Sexual Assault Charges Resurfacing Out of Nowhere!


It's an old tactic used by the fbi and cia to destroy the credibility of a competant leader (after murder) by making horrible accusations against them and planting them in the press. I thought something was up with these whores coming out of nowhere with these disturbing accusations against Bill Cosby! Things went badly for him back when he was trying to buy NBC culminating in the murder of his only son! Now he's trying to set up a conglomerate that would benefit all blacks in America that would help to combat all of the defamation against the African American community and Africa in general. Eitherway read this for it's informative and will shed some light on this sordid situation! Please read it and share it with everyone you know! The African American community needs to know what's REALLY going on!

I normally don't get involved in controversies like this one against Bill Cosby but I know some things that might shed light on this new old attack on Mr. Cosby. First off I don't know if Mr. Cosby is innocent or guilty of any of these accusations. I hope he's innocent. But let's look at a few things. The first thing is the timing. Mr. Cosby was one of the world's only black superstars back then. His star was rising quickly. Now do you know what was happening to black people during those times? Not only was Mr. Cosby a superstar but he was very active in the civil rights movement.

Black men and boys were being lynched for looking at white women. There was a law called reckless eyeballing that was responsible for hangings, picnics aka pick a nigger to burn alive, stabbings and other acts of brutality against us. To be accused of raping a white woman was an automatic death sentence. No black man was safe when it came to those accusations with or without proof. Families, friends, neighbors and even entire towns have suffered because of the words of these 'decent' white women. We lost our lives and families. Men like Cosby would march in the streets risking their lives and the lives of their families. They also risked their reputations and means of income. Dr. Cosby knew what would happen to a black man even if a rumor was whispered against him about white women. He like many of our leaders were too smart for that trap. 

Cosby made the ultimate mistake of raising enough money to buy the network that his show previously rescued. NBC was in financial straits. Cosby led a group of black entrepreneurs that raised the highest bid to buy NBC. This bid was turned down for a lot of silly 'reasons'. Once Cosby and his team attempted to question being rejected the old allegations started to resurface. Others joined in the allegations. This onslaught derailed what would have been a great historic accomplishment and would have given blacks equal power and access in main stream media. 

Fast forward to today. Mr. Cosby has teamed up with the world's richest and most powerful black men and women to create the ultimate equalizer in the entertainment industry. He and many leaders were creating a black owned worldwide film and media distribution company that would rival the top six studios in the world. This would mean more black movies. It would mean challenges to negative images of blacks. It would mean more black executives. Real money making positions and opportunities where we could legitimately compete in a fair and open market. This company was going to change the game. 

But of course coincidentally or not, a black clown destroyed the life of another black man. My take - the charges are old. Black men have never in history even got away with looking at white women. You think I believe this crap about a black man getting away with all these allegations by white women. Doing tea at his hotel late night in their pajamas? Some who continued to see him after their alleged first encounter ? 

You can believe what ever you want but the Scottsboro boys, Emitt Till, the Central Park 5 and all the countless list of unknown black men and women keeps me leary. The books are closed. These charges are over and done. Why bring it up now. These charges have yet again raped us of great historic gains. - Iamnatturner Kenya Cagle

janice dickinson and this other women are liars! Their claim to 'womanhood' after falsely accused Cosby of sexual assault is ludicrous!

janice dickinson is a liar and her acting on entertainment tonite has only strengthened my belief. These women have gotten together for the ultimate shakedown because they are losers in their own life and want to rob a man of his success with lies and innuendo!  And this bullshit about 'as a woman!' Real women don't lie about sexual assault for money! Whores will though! If a john doesn't pay them for services rendered will scream RAPE to get their tricks in trouble! So these women are showing what they are because real 'women' don't lie about something as serious as rape! Whores do it all the time for it's one of the tools in their shakedown business! So I ask for those who agree with these whores, are you a whore too? And janice dicksucker, oops I mean dickinson know she's lying because this is not the story she told before about when she met Dr. Cosby! She mentioned nothing about a rape but rather that she blew him off and he didn't help her with her career. Now all of a sudden he gave her a pill and she woke up without her pajamas on. Okay, and who can she call as a witness to this fanciful story? These women are pulling the ultimate shakedown just like that lady did to Michael Jackson when she falsely accused him! They're using the media to help them do it and the main culprit seems to be the show entertainment tonite, which I've decided to no longer view ever again! It's obvious that they are complicit in this conspiracy to assassinate the good character of the Coz' which started with a ignorant negroe wannabe comic and now is making national news. It makes you wonder doesn't it? This was a calculated orchestrated plan by a person or persons unknown for reasons I have yet to fathom. But this old slut janice sitting up there crying and the entertainment tonite crew sitting up there offering no balanced reporting on the issue just taking these women's word for it is irresponsible and hardly professional. Bill needs to get his lawyers together and counter sue these women and get ready for a fight. They are being backed by somebody but God hates false witnesses and liars and these white ho's are telling some vicious lies! I'm not sure if a shakedown is on the rise or if they've already been paid for their work, but I do know that God is good and none of these accusations will bear fruit! God is with you Mr. Cosby and so don't give up or give out!

White Cowards Cower To Racists With Evil Agendas!

I see where the prosecutor who dealt with charges of alleged sexual assault against Bill Cosby claimed he 'beleived' the claims but felt there was no evidence to go forward! Now comeon now that was bullshit! He didn't go forward with charges because he knew that the alleged 'victim' was lying! Why is he afraid to admit that? I'm seeing all over where whites who do the RIGHT thing make an about face when racists gather their resources and attack they cower and back down? You should be as willing to stand up for the rights of someone black as well as any other! You know some of your people are full of shit but you don't cower to them and let them have their way! When you let the devil in you'll catch hell getting him out! I know in human terms you have nothing to gain and everything to lose in the short run, but denying innocent people justice to gratify the racist desires of a perverted few will be your undoing in the long run! God is watching and it's only so long He will allow such things to go on! Look at england and America now! Their world standing is precarious and the next war will take them spiraling down! You are stringing your own rope so that when you fall (and it will be soon) you'll have no friends to turn to! And those sons and daughters of the devil will not have your back; they'll give you up trying to save themselves! It's time you learn to stand up for what is right rather than what is white. And think of it, are these people who you want representing you and your people? White is a color in a crayon box; there's no loyalty nor brotherhood with this false satanic concept. God created ALL of us and He showed His creativity by making people of unique forms! We're ALL brothers and sisters under God the Father and people who claim to love Jesus and hate their brothers God has called them LIARS! We need to weed out these racist vermin and put them away from us and out of business, like the ones who're plotting the downfall of Bill Cosby! Whoever it is has gathered together all these women and either paid them off or promised a big payoff, pulled strings in the media, and now are bullying public officials who didn't do anything in the past! It's time for it to STOP!  You have a duty to God and to justice to out these rotten eggs and help us to put them down so they can be of no harm to anyone else!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

the washington post published article of Alleged Cosby rape victim; Proves that the washington post Is A Racist Worthless Rag That Cosby Needs To Sue!

The washington post has never been my favorite paper. The stories in this heir to the enquirer style of yellow journalism have always seemed racist and one-sided to me and now I have the proof. These racist sacs-o-shit would actually print the diatribe of a former side-bitch of Bill Cosby in an attempt to sully his good name and reputation! They are supposed to be a reputable paper for serious journalism or that's the reputation that they are 'supposed' to have! But the washington post is one of the worst papers I've ever had the displeasure of viewing and truthfully is on the level of the globe and other supermarket tabloid fodder that litters the shelves of various trashy stores around America. Really if I had my say, their licence would have been pulled long ago and they would have been put out of business! Their right wing racist diatribe has poisoned the minds of Americans long enough and so my one mission in life will be to bring this worthless rag to a surreptious end! Goodbye washington post; you've overstayed your welcome a LOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGG time ago! The curse of God be upon this worthless rag and we're calling upon all African Americans in the Washington DC area to boycott this paper and send their sales into the ground.

janice dickinson Lying About Sexual Assault By The Coz'; Could It Be Because She's Broke and She sees A Chance To Get a Pay Day at A Black Man's Expense?

You know it's just ironic if you see once cockroach, there is plenty of others around you can be sure! That's what I feel about this new allegation by fallen model (she claims she was the 'first supermodel'). She who has slept probably with any and everyone she thought would help make her famous and help her with her modeling career, now she's crying rape after almost 20 years! And the lame excuse all these lyin' assed ho's is giving that they thought 'no one would believe them!' Bullshit! They think that no one would take them seriously about a black man date raping them? They took Michael Jackson, Mike Tyson and other black celebrities on accusations without proof and they expect us to believe that they thought they wouldn't be believed? Now this worthless whore janice dickinson is throwing in her claim of sexual assault! Could it be because she's broke now having filed bankruptcy last year? Because all this is leading up to trying to take Cosby back to court to steal more of his money! And now that she's broke and no job having lost her job on America's Top Model even before the show was canceled for arguing with Tyra Banks, she's on the prowl for other ways to make some money! She claimed she had a boyfriend with deep pockets, but if that was true likely the 'boyfriend' had a YOUNGER woman as his main squeeze and has moved on from janice 'the loser' dickinson! God hates all who bear false witness against their neighbor and all you bitches who think you're going to get away with it you're in for a surprise! Even though you've got news outlets like entertainment tonite you already have God against you and if you think God doesn't matter in this situation guess again! You're not going to keep shaking down black celebrities and screaming rape after a night of consentual sex because you need some money! Talk about pulling the race card! I'll bet you danced when you heard these worthless whores (like you) were attempting to shake down Cosby again! We will find out who's behind this and they will pay right along with you! God is watching and He will take action!

Monday, November 17, 2014


You know I'm not surprised. Nobody black in America is surprised! It's a damned shame that this media here in America is so damned racist that they will not quit with their unwarranted and racist attacks against African Americans! And to attack someone who's stature is beyond reproach is as despicable as it comes! But they've decided that to bring down Bill Cosby would serve their racist agenda to some unknown purpose! Would they attack Don Rickles like this? And he's HALF the star Bill Cosby is! They wouldn't even come at Jerry Seinfeld like this! I'm certain there are all kinds of crackpots out there along with devious opportunists making false accusations against these and other stars too but no one is giving them any creedence AND THEY MIGHT BE TELLING THE TRUTH! They haven't dragged Ben Rothlesberger's name through the mud and HE DID RAPE THAT WOMAN! Being in this business they know that all kinds of false accusation will fly when people feel like they can get what they want which is money! The Lord despises any who bears false witness against another and these women and the american media are complicit in being part of bearing false witness against Bill Cosby! No doubt, they tried to shake him down before and he refused to go for it so they knew they could go to the press and proof or no proof they will print it as long as it helps to assisinate the character of someone black who's rich and famous! And to think this bullshit started when some loser comic made these accusations in his set. Kind of strange ain't it that out of the blue he should decide to do something like this ain't it? Rather it seems like a planned move by persons who had an agenda to bring down the Coz' anyway! And this ignorant parasite decided to be a part of it!

I'm not going to mention this wretched bitch's name for I refuse to give him the attention he hoped to get by attacking the Coz'. But it's an indication of how weak he is as a talent and a performer that he has to put another comic down to make a name for himself. Well he won't do it on Asamota's Corner! This trick will never get a spotlight here for he's lower than a fuckin' worm to attack the Coz' like that! He's one of us! Came from where we came from! We should respect him because the satanic white press is looking to malign and defame any and every African American star who's made it! To join forces with our enemies directly or indirectly THERE'S NO EXCUSE! I would encourage all to get up and walk out if he comes on stage to perform or to not attend any venue this worthless piece o' shit is a part of! No I will not mention his name but you can find this bitch on other sites! And kevin frazier on entertainment tonight, you really need to consider what you're doing for a living! ET used to be my favorite show but I'm gonna' start watching Wheel of Fortune or reading a book if et doesn't stop with the bashing of Blacks! I don't care if they put a black face up there, you're bashing Black people and I won't stand for it! There are other things to watch on tv so you'd better consider it!


Saturday, November 15, 2014

Adrian Peterson; God is with you! Stand Firm!

This Adrian Peterson controversy is as ridiculous as it gets! They're gonna' interfere with a man correcting his child, something they wouldn't have done if this man was white! It's time for this nonsense to end! The white establishment have violated the sacred duty to administer justice fairly and equitably! Now they challenge people to disobey God Himself in favor of laws they arbitrarily enforce when they want to or not. They use the law as an excuse for oppression when the person before them is black and forget about it when they're dealing with someone white! ENOUGH! It is time for the idea, the myth, the LIE of white supremacy to end! But we've to understand as a people that the white man is NOT a god! his power comes from ABOVE like everyone else's and He'll do for us just as He's done for them! Every institution the white man God is over it! EVERY ONE OF THEM! Including the NFL. This man Adrian Peterson is standing up to these wolves (notice I didn't say men) who want to lynch him publicly and personally and they're using every institution THEY THINK they are in charge of! The government, the media, the NFL brassf! They're gonna' find out soon enough that God is in control. The media described when the man used a SWITCH on his boy as a 'treebranch'! Like they don't know what a damn switch is! They're playing these insulting games acting like they don't have COMMON SENSE is going to end very badly for them! And it's already started! You're like the philistine of old who continually harassed and harangued our people long ago! God promised he would wipe the very memory of them away from the earth and now a once great empire is relegated in memory only to the passages in the Bible! That's a warning for those of you who continue with your lies and oppression of the sons and daughters of Abraham! And I'm not talking about those WHITES whose religion is judaism! They ARE NOT the TRUE sons and daughters of ABRAHAM! WE ARE! Your less than Godly ways are gonna earn you a place on that list with the philistine for your racism and abuse of authority and challenges against God and His people is before Him now and mock if you like but you're on the road to absolute destruction! This is your last warning lest you go the way of the philistine, for your days are ending even now! Accept your fate for your struggle is not against the African American community, but against THE LORD HIMSELF; and you've already lost!
Adrian my brother put your trust in God, not in men! God will see you back on that gridiron doing what you do best!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Marvel Comics Special Conveniently Forgets; Two Black Superheroes Sparked Superhero Movie Craze

Last week I looked at the special about Marvel comics. They were talking about the Marvel comics biz and the new anticipated Avengers: Age of Ultron movie that is set for next summer. They were talking about how all of a sudden their back catalogs of comics were being successful as movie franchises. I enjoyed the show for the most part especially hearing the new movies being slated for release soon. I couldn't help but be a little disappointed though when they omitted two very important reasons that the comic book movie adaptation had become big business of late. They gave credit to the Iron Man movie as being the big surprise hit that set the comic book adaptation biz on fire. They didn't mention the failed attempts with ben afleck's Daredevil or Electra with Jennifer Garner. Both movies I enjoyed but they were bona fied flops. But two movies breathed life into the comic book adaptation biz and we know both of them. One starred one of the biggest stars of the NBA and one of hollywood's biggest action stars!

The first movie surprisingly enough didn't come from a seasoned hollywood veteran but from the NBA. Shaquille O'neal was a fan of the comic book series Steele, basically a DC comics version of Iron Man only starring a black man. John Henry Irons appeared on the scene after DC surreptitiously killed off their major character Superman basically in an attempt to replace the man of steel himself. Hence the name of this new series Steele. The comic was quite successful (which makes you wonder why DC discontinued it) but eitherway, Shaquille wanted to do a movie version of it and somehow the project got put together. They omitted many many major elements of the comic book story (him not flying really pissed me off) and they made the movie at a very low-budget. Quincy Jones helmed the project for he also was interested in adapting this DC character. Though they took out a lot of familiar elements in the comic book for the film and a low budged the movie was a tremendous hit! It made millions of dollars world-wide and helped to stimulate the idea to make more comics related movies.

Now on a side note the next offering from DC was a movie based on the Green Lantern series which flopped miserably! Now I enjoyed the movie but no one else did. DC though dropped the ball and deprived themselves of a tremendous hit because they ignored one important fact; the original comic book of Green Lantern had stopped selling a long time ago. This generation was watching the Justice League of America cartoon series (which was very good) and Green Lantern on this series is African American! Now had they used Jon Stewart the BLACK Green Lantern for their movie, it would have been a huge hit! But DC has never been known for it's open-mindedness when it comes to race hence their refusal to do a sequel to their hit Steele.

The next movie that knocked the ball out of the part was made by another African American this time a veteran actor and martial arts and comic book enthusiaist Wesley Snipes and we know the movie; Blade! Blade was a minor character in a Spider Man back story from years ago. I barely remember the character for being we weren't made of money I would buy one comic book and would wait ages to buy another and yes they were only about .15 cents then. But Wesley Snipes managed to get permission to do a movie using this character (I guess they felt little could be done with it) and made movie history. Blade has earned over $200 million worldwide at the box office and spurred two more sequels! It helped to make the over-talented Wesley Snipes an international movie star (even though the little state of florida locked him up on trumped up charges of tax evasion) and spurred Marvel Studios to open their own movie studio and mine their other successful catalogs for more superhero gold! Iron Man came next and Captain America and then of course the most successful adaptation of all; The Avengers!

Well this is the TRUTH behind the interest in comic books as blockbuster movies. Oh there had been attempts before to adapt comics to movies, but until Shaquille O'neal and Wesley Snipes none of the other ones had been SUCCESSFUL! Now the lone exception may have been Spider Man but I think Blad was put out even before Tobey Mcguires interpretation of the iconic role. Because of Blade and Steele though other comics franchises were given new life with Batman, Man of Steele, the Fantastic Four, the Xmen and on and on. I don't know why the Marvel special omitted these BIG facts, but here it is now.

Get ready, Asamota's Corner will be moving from Blogger soon. It's been a long time and a lot of thought about this, but I feel Asamota's Corner will fare better on it's own site. Blogger was an ok start, but I've been suspecting for a long time that blogger has been a very bad relationship and it's time for a di vorce! So be looking for Asamota's Corner to move soon and we do appreciate all of the support we've had thus far from you.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

In Celebration of Veteran's Day; Naval Injustice and Racism!

This is a story that has taken too long to tell and here on veteran's day is the perfect day to tell it. The duplicity of the military services has been smoothed over for too many years now and it's time for it to come to the surface of the un-Godly means they use under the guise of 'good discipline and conduct'.  It's an excuse for entrenched racism to continue to flourish in various parts of the service and in particular in the marines and especially the navy! Now I'm not talking about the people SOME of the hard working sailors and soldiers who are 'honestly' trying to do their duty and serve this country. But they are the few and the far between. The military is mostly filled with people who are frustrated  with their lack of success and can't deal with the challenges of everyday life that doesn't cater to their ridiculous aspirations and look for an environment that nurtures their sadistic desires for power over other men and women and their racist ideology to be acceptable.  Oh yes, the military services in particular the navy is full of a bunch of losers who couldn't make it in the real world so they go into this artificial world where they can stack the deck in their favor. They can do this because much of the brass in the navy is ran by a bunch of old school racists who hang around keeping much needed change from occurring that would help this country move forward! But I digress for that's not what I want to tell you about today.

Many years ago a friend of mine (and yes not me but my friend) was in the navy. I'm withholding his name because he really doesn't want me to do this story. He was a fine sailor serving his country until he ran afoul of the racist brass up in Washington D.C. I'm not going to give you the details of what he was accused of because I'll let him share that with you in his own good time.But he basically was arrested treated like a criminal by the naval investigative service and threatened with death and years in prison over accusations that did not hold water in the least little bit. He was strip searched paraded around the base thrown in a hospital then sent to a marine corps jail. There he was mistreated by the staff there but his book will detail all of that when it comes out. Eitherway, the navy convened their kangaroo court and sent him to jail for many years! He got out and immediately started looking into what he could do to clear his name and he found out something else quickly; the navy has all kinds of layers of protection to protect them from criminal prosecution and most politicians and other organizations are AFRAID to take on the navy. The navy has naturally been no help for I can tell you that the sailor was black and racism played a big part in his trial and conviction. Basically with no physical evidence nor witnesses to back up their claims they put an innocent man in jail for years for nothing! And have abused the benefit of their offices to make life as hard for him as they can making it impossible for him to hold down a decent job and to go on with his life. This is the reward he a BLACK MAN got for selflessly trying to do his duty and serve this country. Suffice it to say, had he been white nothing like this would have happened. Being transferred from one prison to another, he ran into a racist naval chaplain who used the position of his office to try an oppress other blacks any way he could and then would preach about the love of 'god' on Sunday. He surely wasn't talking about God for Our Lord does not condone the idiotic lies of white supremacy or the idealogue of racism PERIOD!

This is about all I can tell you about my friend for he does want his privacy for his life has been hell since getting out of jail. He's a poor fellow who's dreams have been dashed to the ground yet he goes on trying to make the best of it. The truly sad part though that he is only one of many untold stories of abject racism going on in the military probably right now and the chasm of difference in how black men are treated who serve as opposed to the whites who serve! He's yet to see justice in any shape form or fashion and many other blacks who've been railroaded by the military courts face the same sort of situation probably even now but especially for some reason in the navy and the marines! That's why I find it laughable all this 'celebration' of military personnel and this bullshit about 'freedom ain't free!' Tell that shit to the hundreds probably thousands of African Americans who served and are serving now dealing with a situation from a racist c.o. or the naval courts that are not programmed to dispense justice, but white authority! Well to hell with your white authority for God is the only authority around! And your not gods! Payment is coming and your duplicity will be rewarded when your father in hell turns on you and eat you alive like he wants to anyway! Servants of the devil! Daughters of satan! Yet you have the nerve to strut around like you have some holy mission and pretend like you 'appreciate' the sacrifices made by the men and women who do the actual dying in the various conflicts that have nothing to do with defending America! These sailors are supposed to be fighting for freedom yet YOUR TRYING TO LOCK UP EVERY BLACK WHO HAS THE MISFORTUNE OF SERVING! What kind of shit is that?!? Deny them justice at every turn! Is this what you're fighting for? So that white racists can continue to oppress African American people? Abuse the authority of their positons? Railroad every African American you can into your jails? This is what we're fighting for? And I dare anyone to tell me to leave this country! You leave or kill yourselves for too much of my ancestors blood has been shed here for me to leave! You're the ones who need to leave! Not just this country; BUT THE LAND OF THE LIVING! This is what needs to be on your mind today for the truth needs to be known about what's REALLY going on in your dear military services! God is not with them and it will show soon for you're not going to continue to mistreat the TRUE sons and daughters of Abraham and get away with it! The curse of God is upon you and mock if you like for your laughter will turn to tears when you've lost everything you've lied, schemed, finagled, stolen, and murdered to get! My Lord will one day grant my friend the justice he seeks and hopefully by then the ones who dealt unjustly with him will be out of business in any shape form or fashion for good! Oh, and happy veteran's day.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Wendy Williams Attacks Matthew Knowles 4 Year Old Daughter!

We've all heard recently that Matthew 'can't zip it up' Knowles 'other' baby mama had to take him to court to get the support she needed for their daughter. Taquoya Brascomb, a former lingerie model is Matthew's newest baby mama I guess in his attempt to create a new Beyonce! Well she had to take him to court and in court she claimed that she didn't want anything from Matthew except for him to take care of his responsibility to his daughter. Now I do believe like Wendy does that she's a liar and was trying to publicly get her daughter attached to the Beyonce legacy! She's also paying for acting and singing lessons for the little girl, Toi, and obviously looks to be a stage mother. I agree that this woman is most likely a gold-diggin' bitch and is looking to capitalize on Beyonce's fame. I will say I don't blame her for at least she's trying to get her child into the business rather than like Matthew's other baby mama who actually wanted Beyonce to SUPPORT her and her child financially! So though she's a gold-diggin' ho' at least she's trying to get her hussle on and get it for herself! Can't blame nobody for that and this is where I stop with Wendy Williams!

Now Wendy went on to say that Toi, THE CHILD, would not be successful in the entertainment business and would never get a record contract! Now I can stomach attacks against the gold-diggin' mama, BUT YOU'VE GONE TOO FAR ATTACKING CHILDREND WENDY! You don't know what that girl is gonna' be and to throw shade on her at this young age is purely despicable! Now I back you on a lot of things you undercover trannie coke-fiend, BUT YOU GOT NO CALL ATTACKING CHILDREN! You need to back the hell up, and this kid needs an apology from you! Otherwise we're gonna' start lookin' to see if we can't get your ass off the air number 1 by BOYCOTTING YOUR SHOW! You stepped way over the line this time dude and you need to correct this before we do! Talk about any adult you want to but LEAVE THE KIDS ALONE!

Monday, November 3, 2014

More Snipe-isms!

God decided it was time and told his archangel Michael. "Go and get satan and throw him in the fiery furnace." Michael said, " Well Lord Wesley is down there. Why don't we just send him to get him?" God said "This is his final punishment. If we send Wesley, he'll come willingly!'

Dudes hate to go fishing with Wesley! While everyone else is reeling in their catch with their fishing rods, Wesley is pulling in the whale he's harpooned!

A one-legged man showed up at an ass-kicking contest. Everyone laughed til' they learned that this was Wesley Snipes dad; then everyone dropped out one by one.

Wesley Snipes put out a cd of his best songs. It went quadruple platinum in a week coz' nobody had the courage to tell him he couldn't sing, people were too afraid not to buy it!

Wesley did a back kick in Texas and knocked Jackie Chan out in Hong Kong!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Ebola Virus Pandemic Is A Lie Propegated By Western Powers To Steal Diamonds And Oil From Africans!

You know of all the stories I've read and seen over the years, this one is the most disturbing! God be with us for your sons and daughters need you more than ever! All I can say is all Africans in West Africa READ THIS and encourage your governments to kick out the MURDERERS from the Red Cross and other and by all means DON'T TAKE THOSE VACCINATIONS! Arm yourselves and prepare to defend your very lives from western troops who've come there to force you to take this POISON! Don't be afraid for Our Lord is with you and will hand victory over to you! To the western powers responsible for these murders the CURSE OF GOD BE UPON YOU! LET IT BE AS IT WAS WITH THE PHILISTINE WHO OPPRESSED THE PEOPLE OF GOD FOR CENTURIES AND GOD DID LAY THESE WORTHLESS VERMIN TO WASTE SO THAT THE VERY MEMORY OF THEM WAS WIPED AWAY FROM THE EARTH! LET IT BE SO FOR YOU TOO! OVER 400 YEARS OF OPPRESSION BY YOU; ENOUGH!!!!! To our African brethren  God Bless, and know we're praying for you all! NOW  READ THIS


People In the Western World Need to Know What's Happening Here in West Africa. THEY ARE LYING!!! "Ebola" as a Virus Does NOT Exist and Is NOT "Spread". The Red Cross Has Brought a Disease to 4 Specific Countries for 4 Specific Reasons and It Is Only Contracted By Those Who Receive Treatments and Injections From the Red Cross. That is Why Liberians and Nigerians Have Begun Kicking the Red Cross Out of Their Countries and Reporting In the News the Truth. Now Bear With Me:

Most People Jump to "Depopulation" Which is No Doubt Always on the Mind of the West When It Comes to Africa. But I Assure You Africa Can NEVER Be Depopulated By Killing 160 People a Day When Thousands are Born Per Day. So the real Reasons Are Much More Tangible.

Reason 1: This Vaccine Implemented Sickness Being "Called" Ebola Was Introduced Into West Africa for the End Goal of Getting Troops on the Ground In Nigeria, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. If You Remember We Were Just Trying to Get Into Nigeria for "Boko Haram" #BULLSHIT But That Fell Apart When Nigerians Started Telling the Truth. There ARE NO GIRLS MISSING. Global Support Fell Through the Floor, and a New Reason Was Needed to Get Troops Into Nigeria and Steal the New Oil Reserves They Have Discovered.

Reason 2: Sierra Leone is the World's Largest Supplier of Diamonds. For the Past 4 Months They Have Been on Strike, Refusing to Provide Diamonds Due to Horrible Working Conditions and Slave Pay. The West Will Not Pay a Fair Wage for the Resources Because the Idea is to Keep These People Surviving on Rice Bags and Foreign AID So That They Remain a Source of Cheap Slave Labor Forever. A Reason Was Also Needed to Get Troops On the Ground In Sierra Leone to Force an End to the Diamond Miners Strikes. This is Not the First Time This Has Been Done. When Miners Refuse to Work Troops Are Sent In and Even If They Have to Kill and Replace Them All, the Only Desire is to Get Diamonds Back Flowing Out of the Country. Of Course to Launch Multiple Campaigns to Invade These Countries Separately Would Be WAY Too Fishy. But Something Like "Ebola" Allows Access to an Entire Area Simultaneously...

Reason 3: In Addition to Stealing Nigerian Oil, and Forcing Sierra Leone Back to Mining, Troops Have Also Been Sent In to FORCE Vaccinations (Deadly "Ebola" Poison) Onto Those Africans Who Are Not Foolish Enough to Take The Willingly. 3000 Troops Are Being Sent In to Make Sure That This "Poison" Continues to Spread, Because Again It Is Only Spread Through Vaccination. As More and More News Articles Are Released Like the One Above From Liberia, Informing the Populous of the US Lies and Manipulation, More and More Africans Are Refusing to Visit the Red Cross. Troops Will Force These Vaccinations Upon the People to Ensure the Visible Appearance of an Ebola Pandemic. In Addition to This They Will Protect the Red Cross From the Liberians and Nigerians Who Have Been Rightfully Ejecting Them From Their Countries.

Reason 4: 3000 Troops..... Is Ebola Susceptible to Bullets?? Ridiculous. Last But Not Least the APPEARANCE of This Ebola "Pandemic" (Should Americans Not Catch On) Will Be Used to Scare Countless Millions Into Taking the "Ebola Vaccine" Which in Reality IS THE PANDEMIC. Already They Have Started With Stories of How It Has Been Brought Back to the US and Has Appeared in Dallas, How White Doctors Were Cured But Black Infected Are Not Being Allowed to Be Treated Etc.

ALL That Will Do Is Make Blacks STRIVE to Get the Vaccine, Because It Appears That the "Cure" is Being Held Back From Blacks. They Will Run Out In Droves to Get It and Then There Will Be Serious Problems. With All We Have Seen Revealed About Vaccines This Year You Would Think We Learned Our Lesson. All I Can Do Is Hope So, Because They Depend Highly On Our Ignorance to Complete Their Agendas. Ask Yourself If Ebola Was Really Spread From Person to Person, Instead of Controlled Spread Through Vaccination - Then WHY Would the CDC and the US Government Continue to Allow Flights In and Out of These Countries With Absolutely No Regulation, Or At All? We Have Got to Start Thinking and Sharing Information Globally Because They Do Not Give the True Perspective of the People Who Live Here in West Africa. They Are Lying for Their Own Benefit and There Aren't Enough Voices Out There With a Platform to Help Share Our Reality. Hundreds of Thousands Have Been Killed, Paralyzed and Disabled By These and Other "New" Vaccines All Over the World and We Are Finally Becoming Aware of It. Now What Will We DO With All This Information?

Friday, September 12, 2014

Asamota's Corner: Ray Rice: Open Letter To A Brutha' And To The Raci...

Asamota's Corner: Ray Rice: Open Letter To A Brutha' And To The Raci...: Now I've seen it all! Here white police officers have murdered seven black people all across the country within the span of a month; ne...

Ray Rice: Open Letter To A Brutha' And To The Racist Media!

Now I've seen it all! Here white police officers have murdered seven black people all across the country within the span of a month; new york, st. louis, beavercreek oh, kansas, los angeles, and Pine Bluff, AR, yet the news has been dominated by an incident involving a couple having a domestic dispute! Ray Rice and his now wife were having an argument, she tried to attack him and he decked her. End of story. Case closed. But that's not the way the media has seen it!
Rather than focus on the real crimes committed by whites who wear the 'uniform' and are SUPPOSED to uphold the law and protect the rights of ALL citizens within their respective cities yet they've committed murders right before our eyes, they've chosen to focus their efforts on destroying a brutha' who had a problem with his then girlfriend! Where was the outrage about these murdered men? Where was the national press then? The only one of these incidents they've reported on in any depth was Ferguson and it wasn't always positive towards the African American community! The reported on the riots, on the looting, on the DEFIANCE of the police imposed curfew that the people ignored; then they reported on the murder trying to JUSTIFY the officer's whack story! Now they're trying to build up the Ray Rice story to be the worst thing since the Manson Murders! Tell me if this isn't lop-sided reporting by incompetent idiots or just plain old racism as usual in the American press! The national organization of women had to weigh in on this one trying to do further damage to the man by implying that something's wrong with the woman for staying with her husband! Why didn't they say that about Ben Rothelesberger of the Pittsburgh Steeler's wife after he got accused of rape? There was no outrage I ever saw over that one? The press didn't drive that one into the ground! They did for Tiger Woods though effectively breaking up his marriage and he didn't rape nor kill anyone! Oh yeah, lets not forget about Oscar Pistorious who just got off for murdering his girlfriend! Where is the national organization of white bitches, I mean women, now? Aren't they outraged over a woman who was murdered after an argument with her boyfriend? Or is it they feel like 'he's been through enough' and persecuting a black man who has not committed a crime appeases their sense of self worth? God is God and your hypocrisy will be your undoing as it is in all things you call 'just' and 'righteous'! Your perverted values will come back to slap you square in the face and will put you under finally where you belong!
Ray Rice, we're praying for you brutha' and looking to see you back on the gridiron soon. Take your appeal to God for He's God over the NFL and the prejudiced press also! Don't feint or get discouraged because God is with you and will get you back on track. I don't feel you did anything wrong for many white celebrity men have busted their wives in the chops and it got only a paragraph in the press! They're trying to turn your small incident into a Stephen King novel! Well it won't do for you have our support and more importantly God is with you and no white man or other can supercede His Authority! If they think they can, let them give it a shot! God bless you my brutha' and peace out.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

The View; The End is Near!

Well everyone has been hearing the news about the View and the shake-up of the co-hosts. Basically Sherry Shepherd and Jenny McCarthy are being given the axe and with Barbara Walters departure there's only Whoopi Goldberg left. The fall-out from this brazen shake-up has left the View trailing its copycat competition The Talk who has surged ahead in the ratings rant. It's not surprising being The Talk is entertaining and non-aggressive with it's light-weight approach to tackling issues. And that's what the public wants.
I have to admit I had grown weary of The View with it's covert attempts to shove right-wing propeganda down our throats with the addition of the bitch on steroids elizabeth hasselback. Her constant confrontations with other members of the cast for having views contrary to hers made me wish someone would take a chair to her fuckin' head! Rosie O'donnell, my hero, didn't back down from this bitch, but left the show because she was tired of coming to work everyday to fight with this ignorant ho'. And the producers probably were plotting her exit because what they wanted was for elizabeth hasselback to win the day by arguing the right-wing point of view and winning so as to convert the morning audience over to their sick way of thinking! On the contrary what hasselback managed to do is alienate the viewing public coz' no one wants to see a catfight while their having their morning coffee! And it's not the 1950's with a naieve American public; when we see a theme over and over again WE KNOW somebody is doing this shit on purpose! So we resented them treating us like complete idiots and for trying to force their un-popular politics on us! Especially when we the WORKING PEOPLE are sipping our morning coffee trying to gear our minds up for a day on a job that we may or may not like! We want to hear pleasant chat and jokes and be entertained instead we get some rich bastard behind the scenes trying to advance his socieo-political ideology for the rich and the white male! That's why like other true Americans I switched over to watching the Talk, so I don't have to hear some drugged up bitch spew her right-wing venom!
Now when they got rid of their 'secret agent bitch' hasselback I started watching again for the addition of Jenny McCarthy was a welcome change to a show that was failing fast. The show became entertaining again and interesting without all of the fighting. But that didn't satisfy the producers with their right-wing agenda and so now Jenny's out and they're bringing back Rosie and like Jenny said again looking for a conservative 'bad-ass' who can challenge the so-called 'liberal majority' and win! Sherry Shepherd is being let go too, but honestly I never really noticed she was there until her problems with her marriage. And that's nothing for morning tv either and she wisely refrained from commenting on it. But their leaving at the best time for the View is getting ready to be canceled anyway! It's too early morning in the morning for politics and fighting so I'm gonna' do like the rest of America is going to do; start tuning out the View and tune in to the Talk! Whoopi you're the smart one; get all the paychecks you can for the gravytrain is getting ready to end! Now they might save themselves if they do one thing; FIRE THE DAMNED RIGHT WING PRODUCERS and make this a proper morning show once again that's entertaining and fun! No republican converts to be had in the morning hours!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Rihanna Tries An Make People Forget About How She Slighted A 17 yr old Fan By Going Naked To A Fashion Show!

It seems like little miss riri needed to stun at this weekends fashion show to try an get away from the bad publicity she incurred from dissing a 17 yr old high school girl who tried to emulate her idol 'rihanna' at her prom by wearing an outfit similar to the one riri wore to an awards show. The poor girl incurred a whole lot of hateful tweets from people all over. Instead of little miss island girl throwing water on the whole situation and giving a FAN a pat on the back, she showed the depth of her own insecurity by joining in with those who were giving the poor girl a hard time and dissing her too! This kid was mortified and I was outraged! Is this how lil miss island gurl treats her fans? Is she so arrogant and insensitive that her thirty year old ass has to come down on a 17 yr old girl to ger her jollies? Or is she so insecure that she can't stand anyone else stealing the spotlight even for a second from her? It's really sad when these people who are supposed to be role models for the young feel like they don't owe anyone anything and will dash them to pieces because they feel like they can't be touched by the 'little people'. Well, I will remind you little riri that it's the 'little people' who buy your records! Teenage girls like her who hang on your every word and follow your every move! If you're tired of it just say so, and we CAN and WILL turn you off! It's a shame Chris Brown didn't break something when he beat your sorry ass for I always felt your arrogant, ignorant, stupid bitch ass got exactly what you deserved when he gave you a whuppin! You lucky it wasn't me for even now your ass would walk with a limp before I was through! Eitherway, we ain't forgot riri how you have no respect for our little girls and will continue to report the REAL you to the people! It's the least I can do!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Virginia Home Schooled Girl Kicked Out of Her Prom; Organizers Claim Her Dress Too Short; Real Reason Her Prom Date Was Black!

Now this poor girl in Virginia was kicked out of her prom because these racist organizers of the prom didn't like the fact that her prom date was black. So they started picking with her claiming her dress was too short. Other girls in the prom their dresses were much shorter than hers. But throughout the night they hassled this poor dear about one made-up reason or another until they finally kicked her out! They claim it was the dress; but we as black people have been there before and we know what time it is. They really wanted the black boy out and her for bringing him! She needs to sue these people and they need to be brought to justice for they violated her rights! They had no right to harass and harangue her like that people have a right to be with who they want to be with! I know it's a pain in the ass but I encourage this girl to get a good lawyer and make these racist bastards pay for her college and the next twenty years of her life! Here's the story:

Homeschooled Girl Allegedly Kicked Out Of Prom Because Perverted Dads Were Checking Her Out

article image
A Virginia homeschooled girl is speaking out about recently being kicked out of a local homeschool prom because a group of dads were allegedly lusting after her.
The story originated on Wine and Marble, a blog run by Hannah Ettinger. Hannah’s sister Clare, a 17-year-old homeschooled senior, wrote of her recent prom experience on the blog.
According to Clare, her boyfriend had purchased them tickets to the prom in advance, and she was really excited about her dress choice for the evening. She complied with the homeschool association’s dress code, which stated that a girl’s dress must be “finger length.” When she arrived at the prom, one of the organizers stopped her to tell her that her dress was too short. After showing her that it was finger length, the woman allowed her to continue on into the prom, but unfortunately for Clare, that was just the beginning of her problems.
“When I got into the ballroom I laughed, because I was surrounded by girls in much shorter dresses then me, albeit they were shorter, and therefore stood out less in the crowd, but it was still frustrating” recalled Claire. “I joined my group of friends, (there were six of us), and told them what happened, they were all appalled, especially considering we’ve been attending this prom all four years of high school and usually wore much shorter dresses then we chose this year. We were also a little grossed out by all the dads on the balcony above the dance floor, ogling and talking amongst themselves.”
Clare says she was suddenly approached by the same woman and asked to step outside.
When she did, the woman told her that some of the dads had complained that she was dancing inappropriately and that her dress was too short. Clare made it clear that she wasn’t dancing at all and once again showed the woman that her dress was the appropriate length, but the advisor just wasn’t listening. In the end, Clare and her group of friends were kicked out of the prom, and despite that the fact that they were all told they would get refunds for the tickets, Clare was the only one who got her money back.
“I was told that the way I dressed and moved my body was causing men to think inappropriately about me, implying that it is my responsibility to control other people’s thoughts and drives,” said Claire.
Since the incident, angry people from all over took to the Facebook page of the Richmond Homeschool Prom to express their disgust at the situation, and the administrators deleted all the comments. Now, it appears that they have deleted their page altogether.
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Malaysian Flight Taken Down By Rothschild; Killed Off Owners of Patent to New Semi-Conductor

That Malaysian flight that disappeared that our very best people can't seem to find; well when I read this story at first I was like 'really?' Then I thought about it and it seemed to make sense. It's ridiculous that no one has been able to find that plane with all of the technology we have! People need to read this for God is not pleased that someone would be allowed to murder so many just for the sake of profit. I guess He wants to see what we're going to do to remedy this flippant disregard for human life. Now I don't know if this story is true or not so every man should be given the benefit of the doubt. If this man be guilty though, God is in the picture and he will be well suited to know this will not go unpunished! And the mainstream media ignores this because the victims were Asian and the men he was trying to kill were Chinese! No man is so powerful that he is above God's justice! Here's the story:

Rothschild Takes Down Malaysian Airliner MH370 to Gain Rights to a Semiconductor Patent – Getting Rid of Those Who Stood in His Way!

With the disappearance of those on Malaysian Airlines MH370 billionaire Jacob Rothschild becomes the sole owner of an important semiconductor patent. 

Coincidence? I think not! The mysteries surrounding Malaysian Airliner MH-370 continue to grow with each passing day and Mr. Rothschild is smack dab in the middle.

Illuminati  member, Rothschild, is believed to have exploited the airliner to gain full Patent Rights of an incredible KL-03 micro-chip. The US technological company, Freescale Semiconductor,  who shared its rights with Rothschild, had twenty senior members on board who had just launched a new electronic warfare gadget for military radar system’s the day before the plane went missing.  

The Semiconductor company develops microprocessors, sensors, and other technology including stand-alone semiconductors that perform dedicated computing functions.

But the questions that arise are why were there so many Freescale employees traveling together? What were their jobs? Their mission? And did they employees carry valuable cargo? With all the power our elite carry, why couldn’t they track down the missing plane?

Of the 239 people aboard flight MH370, most of them were engineers and others working to make the company’s chip facilities in Tianjin, China and Kuala Lumpur more efficient.

“These were people with a lot of experience and technical background and they were very important people,” Haws said. “It’s definitely a loss for the company.” Mitch Haws vice president of global communications and investors relations

According to the Freescale’s website, operations for the company began in 1972 and covered an eight hectare site that tests and manufactures microprocessors, digital signal processors and integrated radio frequency circuits.

Furthermore it owns Freescale RF which is involved in making solutions for Aerospace and Defense including: Battlefield communications, Avionics, HF Radar – Band L and S, Missile Guidance, Electronic Warfare, and Identification (IFF).  

But here’s where it gets even more interesting. The Freescale’s shareholders include the Carlyle Group who’s past advisors have included ex-US president George Bush Sr and former British Prime Minister John Major. Some of the companies previous clients include the construction firm owned by the family of Osama bin Laden, the Saudi Binladin Group.

What makes this claim stand out above all the other theories is the fact that so many highly qualified staff members were on board and if the airliner crashed into the Indian Ocean, as recently reported, then this would validate the claim all the more.

Considering the large passenger jet had flown undetected for six hours, the elites had to be involved because they are the only ones who can accomplish such a task.  

According to World Truth TV…..

“Avoiding radar via “cloaking technology” has long been one of the objectives of the defense industry and Freescale has been active developing chips for military radar.

On its website, the company says its radio frequency products meet the requirements for applications in “avionics, radar, communications, missile guidance, electronic warfare and identification friend or foe”.

Last June it announced it was creating a team of specialists dedicated to producing “radio frequency power products” for the defense industry.

And on March 3, it announced it was releasing 11 of these new gadgets for use in “high frequency, VHF and low-band UHF radar and radio communications”.

The company [Freescale] did not respond to questions from Express Online, including whether any of its missing employees had been working on the defense products.

It neither provided any responses to the latest bizarre conspiracy theory being widely published on the comments sections of newspaper websites and other internet forums.

The comment reads: “It reads: “Have you pieced together the puzzle of missing flight 370 to Beijing China? If not, here are your missing pieces.

Four days after the  flight MH370  disappear, semiconductor patent was approved by the U.S. patent office patent is divided in parts of 20% between five starters. One of the owners is the company itself, Freescale Semiconductor, Austin, Texas (USA), and the other four Chinese employees of the company: Peidong Wang, Zhijun Chen, Cheng and Li Ying Zhijong, all the Suzhou City. And they all passengers of Malaysia Airlines plane disappeared on March 8, according Eternity.”

It adds: “Here is your motive for the missing Beijing plane. As all four Chinese members of the Patent were passengers on the missing plane.”  

Patent holders can alter the proceeds legally by passing wealth to their heirs. “However, they cannot do so until the Patent is approved. So when the plane went missing, the patent had not been approved.”

Although a Freescale patent exists under number US8650327, none of the names listed actually appear on the passenger manifest released by the Malaysian authorities.

If the patent holder dies, the other owners share equally in dividends from the deceased.  If four of the five patentees die, then the patentee left alive gets 100% of the patent. That remaining patent holder is the company Freescale SemiconductorWho owns Freescale Semiconductor? The answer is: Jacob Rothschild. British billionaire owns the company Blackstone, which in turn owns the company Freescale Semiconductors. Several speculations 
on the Internet now pay attention to this circumstance. The Rothschilds are a dynasty of financiers and international bankers of German-Jewish origin . The family is from the nineteenth century one of the most influential families of bankers and financiers of Europe.”