Thursday, August 11, 2016

 Now I am sorry to hear about both women but this article is aimed at new york. See how the innocent pay for the crimes of the guilty. Now your cops murdered Eric Garner on video and you didn't say a damned thing. NOw God is punishing you with the unfortunate death of this poor girl. Now you know the pain of loss for no reason! Her parents got on tv crying for justice. Well so did Eric Garner's family get on tv crying for justic; and it's on video so you know who did it! You whites in new york, the worst city in America, haven't demanded justice for Eric Garner and his family instead opting to try an defend your honkie murderous kkkops! For all you know these kkkops you let get away with murder the first time committed this murder. Hell they got away with it the first time when they murdered Eric Garner on camera, hell they figure they can go around killing like they please coz' you white new yorkers, the worsst city in America, will be stupid enough to let them get away with it again! ONce a murderer always a murderer!  Now the killer of this poor woman is running around free somewhere and no one has any idea who did it! And the true killer  never will be caught as long as those kkkops who murdered Eric Garner are running around free STILL ON THE JOB!! God is showing you something! You need to demand justice for all especially when the police is guilty of the injustice instead of wanting to fight only for justice for whites! God is showing you how warped your thinking is and how stupid it is! You're either gonna' have justice for ALL or there won't be justice for any!!! That's God's message to you!


Murders of 2 women jogging alone compound female runners’ fears

Karina Vetrano and Vanessa Marcotte (YouTube).
Karina Vetrano and Vanessa Marcotte (YouTube).
The unresolved murders of two women who went running in New York City and in rural Massachusetts within the last week have reinforced the fears of female athletes who say they feel uncomfortable working out alone, at night, or in secluded areas.
In Princeton, Massachusetts, Vanessa Marcotte, a 27-year-old New Yorker who worked for Google vanished on Sunday afternoon while on a run near her mother’s home. Her body was found that evening in the woods nearby. Police have not yet said whether she was sexually assaulted. On August 2, Karina Vetrano, a 30-year-old Queens resident, disappeared while on a 5 p.m. run in the secluded coastal marshland near her home. Her body was found late that evening, her clothes in disarray. An autopsy determined that Vetrano had been strangled to death.
Such attacks are exceedingly rare according to crime statistics, but many female runners say that fears about these types of crimes, as well as incidents of harassment or assault, mean they can never really let down their guard. “I’m always looking to see who’s around me, even in broad daylight,” said Olivia Clark, 27, while on a run in New York City’s Central Park on Tuesday. To keep herself safe, Clark said, she runs alongside other people in order to avoid becoming isolated. Another runner in the park, 21-year-old Devon Tucker, said she brings pepper spray with her every time she runs, just in case.
Alexandra Goumas, a 27-year-old Manhattan lawyer, said she avoids the park’s more isolated routes and does not run in the evening, but that she tries not to let concerns about assault prevent her from enjoying her workout. “It’s the New Yorker attitude,” she explained. “You can’t let these things get in your way.”
Watch Inside Edition’s coverage of the incidents below.
Read the full story at The Associated Press.
Artist uses serial killer portraits to explore link between women, violence, and feminism

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