Saturday, August 20, 2016

Consumer Alerts: Rat and Mouse poison bait stations! FUCKING USELESS!!!!

You know I had no idea that the epa (environmental protection agency) had banned the use of certain rat and mouse poisons. They claim it was to help protect people an their pets. I wonder. I've not heard of where the poisons that were being used had killed any children or pets of late. But perhaps I missed it. Well I was having a mouse infestation problem and I went to get the old D-con mouse pellets that had been so effective before only to find they were'nt available anywhere for sale.  They had these poison bait stations for sale that they claimed was so much safer, environmentally friendly and you know all of that bullshit hog wash! Here is some of that bullshit they try an snow you with;

Bait Stations for
Controlling Rats and Mice
Stephen Vantassel, Extension Wildlife Damage Project Coordinator
Scott Hygnstrom, Extension Vertebrate Pest Specialist
Dennis Ferraro, Extension Educator
Bait stations increase both the effectiveness and
safety of the toxic baits used to control rats and mice.
Learn how to build, bait and position bait stations around
your home and farm to maximize rodent control.
Toxic baits are often used to reduce the damage caused
by Norway rats (
Rattus norvegicus
) and house mice (
). Bait stations used in rodent control programs
increase both the effectiveness and safety of rodent baits
Bait stations are useful because they:
• protect bait from moisture and dust;
• provide a protected place for rodents to feed, allowing
them to feel more secure and consume more bait;
• keep nontarget species, including pets, livestock, wild
life, and children away from toxic baits;
• allow bait to be placed in otherwise
difficult locations
given weather or potential hazards to nontarget ani
• help prevent accidental spillage; and
• offer the applicator easy access to bait, making it easier
to determine the amount of bait consumed by rodents, 
Well funny the site wouldn't let my copy the whole article. Imagine that. Coz' they know it's BULLSHIT!  well not knowing any better and anxious to get rid of thse pests I bought one and then my adventure began. I bought one of the D-Con mouse bait stations, for it was the D-Con mouse pellets that were so effective before in keeping a mouse infestation from happening in my home. Well I set the station up in several places where I saw the mice and waited and waited and waited. It's been over a month and none of the mice have touched that damn bait station. Then I got one of those machines that's supposed to deliver ultrasonic noise to scare away the mice. I thought it was working till I saw a mouse on my stove jumping around and I had to chase it out of my kitchen. That's when I started doing some research. I saw that the pellets that I used to use all the time were unavailable to you or I but were available for purchase by exterminators! The poison in the rat and mouse bait stations isn't even the poison that used to be in the pellets, it's a much weaker poison supposedly to protect children and pets! Now like I said, I haven't seen where the former poison had killed any children or pets so I'm wondering why this sudden change. The former poison was quite good at getting rid of these pests; now these new traps these mice are not bothered by them not even interested in them. Yet they claim in the advertisements especially Tom Cat that they are so much better. That's a load of Crap! They're one of the worst ones out there and got so many complaints about them. And those bait stations even where they manage to get the pests interested, THE DON'T KILL THE PESTS! What fucking good are they if they don't do the job we're paying our money for! I don't want to treat mice and rats in a so-called 'humane' manner, I WANT TO KILL THEM SO THAT THEY WON'T BE BACK!!! But I'm starting to see the plot; exterminators can buy effective poisons that get rid of the pests. So basically probably lobbyists working for major extermination companies are behind the epa's sudden decision to give us these weak poisons that don't work so that we'll be forced to ply for the services of an exterminator. I've never used an exterminator because everyone I know who does  the exterminator wants to talk them into some long term obligation to come every month to spray or whatever for pests and more pests seem to miraculously show up to justify their service. And those who quit the service, mice and rodents seem to appear out of everywhere soon after so it would seem to me that if an exterminator was doing his job properly it wouldn't take basically a life long obligation to deal with these pests where you basically got to pay them every month for the rest of your life to keep mice and rats out of your home. Seems to me like they're not doing their jobs properly or are putting you up to a racket! It shouldn't take a lifelong obligation to them to keep rodents out of your home! Now I can understand this sort of obligation for a huge office building or some sort of industrial place or something. Not for a residential home though. That's ridiculous!!! I'm noticing too that mouse traps and glue traps are proving ineffective also. This is some bullshit and though this generally isn't the sort of story I like to do I felt it necessary to put it out there for I did a little research and saw that a lot of people are very dissatisfied with these rat and mouse bait stations! Plainly and simply; THEY DON'T FUCKING WORK!!! BRING BACK THE OLD ONES FOR THEY WERE MORE EFFECTIVE AND MORE COST EFFECTIVE THAN HELPING THE EXTERMINATION COMPANIES EXTORT MONEY OUT OF US! That's all it is, legalized extortion! So to anyone having these problems, don't waste your money on these stupid bait stations; buy a cat, one who likes to eat mice!

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