Monday, August 22, 2016

Zika; okay where did it come from

Okay this zika virus shit has been all over the news and such, but I'm starting to wonder where it came from. You know they keep claiming that these weird diseases just appear out of nature, but hell they lied about SARS and AIDS so is this something new that they've come up with? I'm getting real tired of these people and their new world order shit testing out their biological weaponry on the people! The evil evil evil white establishment or the illuminati or whatever the hell they wanna call themselves, it's obvious that they have to  be stopped. At least God is getting ready to destroy these evil devil worshippers,  but we need to be aware of them. Those of you who are privy to the evil deeds being orchestrated by these people, a warning to you; when these dogs are taken down you will go down with them. Get out and get away from them while you can for if you stay regardless of your reasons you will suffer the same fate as them.There is no excuse for committing all these murders for only God has the RIGHT to take away life on such a large scale! These people are evil and need to know that God is God and they are mere men no better than the rest of us! You have no right to plan the deaths and murders of people for the only reason you're doing it is to increase your personal wealth and power. You do not have the best interests of the people in mind, you think because you are rich, white, and  bask in some sort of illustrious pedigree you are superior or better than all others. That's why the son of a farmer will be elevated above you and become your MASTER! You have been warned! God is real and he raises up kings and tears them down just coz' HE CAN!

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