Sunday, July 10, 2016

African American Community Scared These Days After the Murder of minnesota Black Man in Front of his 5yr old Daughter!

Now I was in church today and I saw a rather subdued body of worshippers. The reverend and his assistants went out of their way to try an reassure people,  but everyone was scared. They all talked about what went on this week especially about the murder of the Black man in minnesota right in front of his daughter! BY THE police! Now that was truly the last straw that broke all backs! To murder a man in front of his children, everyone was like am I next! The murder in lousiana didn't help with the kkk state prosecutor talking about that this was a state sponsored murder by police! They always try an teach us to respect the police and to see that this man did everything he was supposed to do and got shot right in front of his daughter, people are like what now? What do we do to keep from being the police's next victim. It's like I've been saying all along; there's nothing you can do! The white police have an agenda to murder as many Black people as they can and the government has made it plane that they don't intend to prosecute these honkie or other (coz' the guy in minnesota it seems he was spanish or something) cops as long as they kill black men or women!!! Unlike what happened in Arizona where that whiteboi cop who shot that whiteboy by accident; that cop was fired, arrested, and thrown in jail for FIRST DEGREE MURDER! And no one had to wait for this; it was done IMMEDIATELY!!! That's why it's plain that the white establishment is making a real life MOCKERY OF JUSTICE!! They're not even trying to hide it, like that kkk prosecuting whiteboi in louisiana, who said that the kkkop who committed that murder committed a STATE SPONSORED MURDER! He said this with such pride as he was saying that they had no intention of seeing that justice was carried out against this kkkop for his murder of this black man! God curse all of them!
But I noticed that the crowd was so subdued and people had worry on their minds. I pray that God will help them all for it is quite stunning to find that there are no rules you can follow to insure your safety! All they have is faith in God; all we all ever truly have is trust and faith  in God and now that is even more evident as we all saw the video of both murders. NOw the cop in louisiana was supposed to be wearing a body cam but it got 'turned off somehow'. How convenient! And as of yet nothing has happened to these murderous cops except the one in minnessota was relieved of duty with pay! Not fired; given some days off for cold blooded murder! People are concerned as they should be coz' this has given every honkie kkkop in America a license to kill at will anyone who's color happens to be Black! That's why Prayer Warriors is here for we pray everyday for the absolute total and complete destruction of the white establishment! But we have other prayers to pray too, for we know that white people in general aren't the enemy; but the white establishment, those in power, those who walk around with guns who delight in the idea of getting away with murder! If they could get away with killing whites they would kill them too. But right now the Hebrew people are the most hapless victims for this evil government is not going to do anything to prosecute a murderous kkkop who's murdered someone Black! Thank God for sending Men like Micah Xavier Johnson, African American Warrior extraordinaire, to even the score and bring some manner of Justice to this situation!!! God please send many many more to do the same for violence is obviously the ANSWER!!!! God be with all and know that He is our protector and sends Avenging angels to get justice for us. Jesus gets justice for us when the white satanic establishment refuses to. Thank You Jesus. Thank You Lord!

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