Friday, July 1, 2016

Why Is The American Government So ANXIOUS to Disarm It's Citizens?

Revelation 13 KJV

The Mark of the Beast
16And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

You know I don't approve of too much of nothing that the repugnicans so called stand for. I think it's well known how I feel about the repugnican party.But one thing that bothers me about the current regime, something that bothers me. And that is why they government of right now is so anxious to disarm American citizens. Now I'm not gonna' get into all that razz-matazz about the constitution and all that stuff. I get sick of hearing that bullshit anyway. But it was established long ago that the citizens of America had the right to bear arms for the simple fact that IF THE GOVERNMENT GOT OUT OF SORTS THAT THE CITIZENS WOULD BE ABLE TO PUT THE GOVERNMENT DOWN IF NECESSARY! That is the point of the right to bear arms. Countries don't allow private citizens to carry arms in order to prevent such an occurrence if the people decided to rise up against them. But in every situation that comes up they try to blame peoples right to bear arms as the culprit! Just like this man in florida who killed all those people in the gay club! Here they go with this nonsense that because he was able to get guns is why this happened. The reason this happened is that this boi it seems had all the support of the government for the fbi had to know that this boi was some kind of nut, but they let him do what he was going to do knowing damned well they had plenty of opportunities to stop him. But you see they ALLOWED this to happen it seems to me so that they can get on tv and with the American public scared they can lay on them this nonsense about not allowing people to carry guns. And the gay/lesbian taskforce got to further their own motives and their agenda over this unfortunate event! Well it seems to me the fbi could have stopped this long before this ever started but were told not to by the evil establishment that really runs America. Well I'm like this; this man went into a club with over 100 people. Now the evil establishment news media wants to portray these people as some kind of martyrs when to me they are responsible for their own fate! They could have rose up against this one fool, threw bottles, chairs, or rushed him! A few people might have died but he would not have killed so many! But they were such cowards, they didn't think of saving anyone but themselves! All the show they made of carrying the victims and such so they could get medical help was laughable. They were labeled heroes and their 'bravery' was touted. HA! If they were so brave, they would have taken down this ONE man and stopped him from killing so many! So I feel sorry for none of them. But of course the establishment wants to use this to justify their agenda to disarm Americans! At first I did not feel that people should carry guns or be allowed to have them. But after seeing this and a lot of other things, I've changed my mind! Coz' I'm disturbed by our government's determination to disarm us for what do they have in mind! Why is it they want us to not have guns? Something is up and they must have some sort of nefarious plan in mind! I've been hearing about death camps being built with the specific purpose of killing Americans and people whom you've elected and who are part of the wealthy establishment know about this and are behind this! If this be true (and I'm starting to believe it is so! God is warning us I believe and we may need to take action NOW!) WE NEED TO KEEP OUR GUNS!!! For when they want us disarmed this badly it's because they're up to something evil and don't want us able to defend ourselves when the time comes! So I shall become a supporter of the NRA and keep all posted of things that I'm finding! God is trying to warn us and we need to take heed and listen! This is no longer about Black or white, for it would seem with these death camps being built by fema, they are planning to MURDER US ALL! Black, white, Red, Yellow, all of us!! So we need to heed God's warning and prepare to tear down this evil establishment built on world domination and subjugating the world to slavery starting with the Americas!2017 is supposed to be the year when a lot of this evil starts; with them trying to tag us with electronic microchips ala 666 mark of the beast talked about in the Bible, where no one will be able to buy sell nor receive government benefits unless we have this chip, and so we need to be ready to tear down this system and start over if necessary for their plan is to MURDER US ALL!!! They claim it will be voluntary and for 'security' purposes, but plans are being made to make it MANDATORY!!! But if we have guns we'll be able to defend ourselves and possibly destroy them rather than the other way around! So we need to get ready and have our guns ready to fight not just in defense of our freedom, BUT OUR LIVES!

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