Thursday, July 7, 2016

You CANNOT ACCEPT THE MARK OF THE beast and ASK GOD FOR FORGIVENESS AFTERWARD! Quit Listening to preachers tellin you this LIE!!!

You know I've been hearing about the mark of the beast and how it's here and all that and some of the most ridiculous crap I've ever heard is coming out to mislead christians into taking a trip to hell! Lemme tell you something; I'm scared too! I wanna' live in as much comfort as I can til I die and want my family to be safe and enjoy the good things in life! But that may be over! And then I trust my Lord to get me through the trying times to come. He got me through other trying times put upon me by the evil white establishment, He'll get me through this too.  But then here in America the end has been coming for so long anyway. I mean too much evil is being done by the white leaders and their black puppets too here. Just like the murders of these Black guys in minnesota and baton rouge. They were murdered in cold blood by the white kkkops and yet none of them are in jail yet! This is in stark contrast to that officer who accidentally shot a white suspect in arizona. Now this may have truly been an accident, yet the police union didn't come out in his defense, there was no defending of his actions, he was fired, thrown in jail, and charged with murder! In the case of these police murders of black men none of that has happened and in minnesota this man was murdered while a child was in the car! They shot this man in front of his child!!! May God curse this murderer in every feasible way! You are no longer a police officer in Jesus name! You will never bear fruit again; ALL of them involved in stopping this family for a taillight so they could committ murder! In Jesus name you will NEVER bear fruit again!!!  This is how Black people are treated and God is going to punish you terribly for this perversion of justice!!! But I digress; for what I was warning about is the false messages coming from white preachers (there may be black ones too but I haven't heard about them yet) saying that it's alright to accept these RFID implants! Now this  one boy, and I don't believe he was a preacher for in his eye was the look of evil, saying that God wasn't referring to 'microchips' as the sign of the beast! Now they want to put these chips in your hand and forehead just likethe Bible said; so how is this not the mark of the beast?!!? But this boy had the look of either a atheist or a satanist. But he was well versed on the scripture and those who don't read the Bible themselves or go to a church where they preach Christ and the truth might be fooled! This boi unless he repents is gonna' burn in hell such that he doesn't know what's in store for him. But it says clearly in Revelations that accepting the mark of the beast is an automatic free trip to hell! I know people are gonna' hit you with the scripture (yeah satan knows the scripture well) but this ain't one of those times where you can pray to Jesus and be forgiven! Everybody who accepts the mark of the beast is going to hell! End of story! And I'm saying this to a lot of white people out there because a lot of YOUR ministers out there are preaching lies to you! Well that's nothing new for they preached to you that slavery was righteous and that you were doing us a favor taking away our freedom, and none of your good preachers have stepped up to condemn this rash of murders by the white police! Not many of you have neither, though there has been some! And we do appreciate their efforts! But some of your ministers are lying to you and there will be no helping you if you accept the mark of the beast which is this RFID chip being pushed by your government! Yes your government who you have so much faith in! And no I don't have an iy faith in your government for they have treated me and my people too bad for too many years! I just started feeling like an American when President Obama got elected. But these murders by your white police have brought me back to reality! I'm not an 'american' I'm an American citizen for I have never been able to access the 'american dream' because I'm always judged and treated a certain way (BADLY) because of my color and my race; HEBREW! But that's not what I'm talking about right now. DO NOT ACCEPT these RFID chips because it is the mark of the beast and don't let anyone trick you into believing that it's NOT the mark of the beast and that you can ask God's forgiveness and still go to heaven if you do! That is a lie lie lie lie straight from the pit of hell and will cost you your life.

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